Save the cheesebird Part 1:The Missing Cheesebird

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Summary: Golden Cheese Cookie crash lands into an unknown foreign area, and her friends I don't realize she gone.

Golden Cheeses pov...

After a long day of boring Kingdom meetings and performing my royal duties, I can finally stretch my wings. Hollyberry did try to invite me to go out for a couple drinks, but I was too exhausted and just wanted to go home and rest so I politely declined and began my journey back.

10 minutes later...

As I was head home I came across of what looks like some island; looked like nobody lived there...turns out I was wrong because as soon as I tried to investigate it, I felt a sharp pain on my right wing; I turned to see that someone shot me with some sedation dart; started not feeling well. The last thing I remember was crash landing into the island and a glimpse of a unknown figure before everything went black.

Pure Vanilla's pov

Something is not right I just know it, we all decided meet up at the Cacao Kingdom spend the afternoon, everyone is here but cheese and she's  usually the first one here; I'm starting to get worried.

DC:"Something on your mind?"

PV:"Yes, it's about Golden cheese. Have you heard anything from her by any chance?"

DC:"She's usually the first one here, but unfortunately I have not."


HB:"Sorry Pure that's a negative. What about Lily?"


DC:"Well, Cheese shouldn't be far and would be here soon. Give her some time."

We all agreed to wait for her, but I can't get rid of this feeling that something is wrong; I hope this is not the case but if it is we're gonna have to send a search party from all our Kingdoms.

Hollyberry's pov...

It's been a couple hours and still no sign of Golden Cheese, I'm starting to get concerned. My best friend since childhood could be missing or worse. I don't know about the others but I'm sending a search party. I should probably talk to them first before making any drastic decisions.

HB:"Hey guys, I was thinking long and hard about this. Neither of us haven't seen cheese in tha last couple hours. Maybe it's time we should-"

PV: "Send a search party? I agree. It is like her to not show up like this."

HB:"Wait what?"

DC:"We have been considering that for a while and I wish it didn't have to go to this."

WL:"It's either now or never. This is no longer a chill day it's a search and rescue mission. Don't you agree?"

I nodded and was willing to send out a search party from my Kingdom, we'll begin searching through the Kingdom first before doing the rest of earthbread. Don't worry cheese wherever you are...we're coming.

Golden Cheese's pov...

I woke up to find myself tied up in rope, bound to a palm tree. I can hardly remember how I got into this situation, but after a while it all clicked. Now, to escape while I still have a chance.

Unknown Cookie:"I knew that you would do that."

GC:"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

Unknown Cookie:"First off it best that you don't know my name. Secondly, it's quite simple you already know."

What could this cookie possibly want from me?

GC:"If you're after my Soul jam, you're  not getting it nor my friends."

Unknown Cookie:"You are one smart cookie, but I also want the precious gold you obtain."

GC:"Well you're not getting neither of those."

As soon as I said that, he or she kicked me right in the stomach. I can't tell with the oversized hood covering its face. I don't care at this point, I just want my friends come and rescue me from this endless nightmare.

Thank you -DailyDumpling- for requesting the story(I'm splitting it into two parts. Hope you don't mind.) Stay tuned for part 2!!!

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