Ancients In Distress Part 1

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Summary: The Five have been kidnapped by a bad gang group that hated them, and strange things happen along the way.

Gang leader pov...

You probably don't know who I am...I'm a gang leader of an awesome crew. Let's just say that we do anything we want, whenever we want to and the best part about it we get away with it. Enough about me though, it's time for me to explain to my crew what could possibly be our biggest heist. The team is already gathered up waiting for my arrival.

GL:"Alright team, this might be one of the biggest task you were ever given."

Man 1:"what could it be sir?"

GL:"whoa calm yourself my friend. I was just getting there. Everyone knows that the ancient heroes have been running around saving the day and all that."

Women 1:"The 5 goodie two shoes, yeah I heard of them....and I hate them."


Gang leader:"I know I know, hear me out when I say this, what if I say that we kidnapped the five?"

Man 2:"You're speaking my language, but we already kidnapped a little girl."

Gang leader:"Yes...let's just say that it was just a practice for the this one."

Man 2:"Alright whats the plan?"

I then explained to the group on how we can take them down one by one, hopefully they'll be erased from the face of earthbread for good.

Golden cheese pov...

We were out adventuring, when the sun started to set for the day, I myself was one exhausted bird....well scratch that we're all a bunch of tired birds. Pure Vanilla suggested that we should set up camp before it gets too dark to do so; took us a while but it's done.

PV:"Now we just need to set up the campfire. Golden cheese do you mind gathering some wood for the fire?"

GC:"Sure...why not?"

I then flew off, possibly dusting everyone in the face with the tiniest specks of dirt. I'm always the one gathering fire wood and it's so boring, but hey, it has to be done, plus I use this time to stretch my beautiful golden wings, showing them off to all of earthbread.

After about five minutes into doing the task, I noticed something shining from below and every cookie especially my friends know how I am when it comes to shiny things. I simply landed on the ground, dropped the pile of wood I already had and went to investigate whatever was giving off the shine, only to find out that there was...nothing? I went crazy looking for it till someone grabbed me from behind; I tried to fight back and call for help but this cookie covered my mouth using a damp rag. I don't know what was in that thing, but it definitely made me black out. Last thing I remember was the cookie, sounded like a female signaling her group to prepare to ambush my friends.

Pure Vanilla's pov....

Where could Golden cheese be? She's usually pretty quick when it comes to gathering fire wood, especially with those wings of hers. It's been about 30 minutes and she's still not back.

WL:"Everything okay Vanilla?"

PV:"Oh White Lily cookie, yes it just that Cheese hasn't returned yet. She's usually quick with the fire wood."

WL:"True, but maybe cheese is cleaning her wings or something. I'm sure she'll returned soon, just give her some time."

PV:"Don't you remember what happened last time Lily?"

It took a moment for Lily to recap of what happened with cheese last time, but she knew what I was talking about.

WL:"Oh..right, I remember now. We almost lost her.

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