A Royal's Sick Day Part 2

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Summary:Let's just say that Pure Vanilla Cookie got a little too close too Hollyberry cookie when she was sick.

Pure woke up really dizzy to the point he can feel his head spinning; and a huge wave of nausea as soon as he got up making him run to a bathroom where he would stay there for a while.

"Pure?!" It was White Lily Cookie behind the door that was cracked open a little. "Did you just...you know?" Lily asked looking concerned for her best friend; Pure nodded. "I'm just not feeling well. Don't worry I'll be okay,  I probably ate something off." Pure replied, Lily wasn't buying that at all. "I don't think so...I'm coming in there, at least let me put your hair back." Lily didn't hesitate and came in the bathroom and held his silky yet uncomed hair back. "Actually I think I'm done...nope false alarm." The healer said before another wave of nausea and vomiting kicked in, Lily comforting him and spending a couple unpleasant minutes with him.

Fast Forward....

"Well you definitely have a fever." Hollyberry said feeling the warmth on  the healers forehead. "I'm not sick, I'm feeling fine, trust me." Pure said, trying to convince his friends but its failing miserably. "Are you sure about that? Cause your staff says otherwise."  Cacao said and pointed to the orchid staff that was giving Pure that look; the staff may not talk but it definitely has some attitude. "Come on Vanilla, back to bed and stay there." Golden cheese patted the spot on his bed and the sick healer obeyed the command like a dog. "We'll be back to check-in on you and bring some tea and bread. Try get some rest." Lily said before with the others; leaving Pure alone to rest.

1 hour later....

Lily came back to Pure's room with tea, bread, and crackers; things that will soothe the poor healers stomach. Lily opened the door to see Pure awake; putting a smile on face. "Looks like someone's awake. How do you feel?" Lily asked, Pure nodded. "A little better not 100% but better." Lily nodded and couldn't help but giggle a little. "Here have some tea. You need to stay hydrated." Lily poured a cup of tea for her friend and herself. "Oh no I  shouldn't, I really don't want anything in my mouth right now." Pure politely declined the offer but Lily knew that Pure can be quite stubborn; she wasn't going to let it slide. "Pure you're only making yourself feel worse by doing that. Please drink some tea." The healer knew that he wasn't going to win this argument so he gave up and slowly sipped his tea, plus he really needed some company after being alone in his room all day.

The rest of the day was repeating cycle of eating and resting along with his friends paying small visits the check up on Pure, and he appreciates it a lot. From the love and care from his friends, Pure was back to his old self within the next day.

Hope you guys enjoy this story and most importantly, I want to thank chipanddipUwU for the request; hope you enjoyed it as well. As always feel free to leave a request in the comments if you like and I'll see you in the next story.

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