chapter 3: Lauren Johnson-Partridge

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[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]

Flashback from fifty-one years ago


"Good morning, Aunt Tia!" I greeted Aunt Tia through the mirror.

"Good morning Lauren, have you made up your mind about you being the next guardian?" Aunt Tia asked as she smiled.

"Yes I did, and I do want to be the next guardian of the Magicias. But if it's okay to you, can I still ask for your assistance?" I asked as I frowned.

"Of course, it's totally fine to me, Lauren." She replied as she nodded.

Aunt Tia spent the whole year assisting me about this guardian of the Magicias, its history, its uses, special magics and so many more. As I get used to learn about it, Aunt Tia started getting weak, and I had to help her out along with Juliet's mother. A month later, Aunt Tia passed a way with a rare disease that runs in their family. I felt bad for Julia, who is Juliet's mother, because she has no one left with her right now. So, I decided to leave the house and bring some of the breads from my Mother's bakery. As I arrived at their front door, I knocked and she opened the door after a few minutes.

"Good morning Julia, I just wanted to check on you-" I said as the door opened then I cutted off my own sentence.

"Edward?" I said as I did my confused face.

"Lauren Johnson, it's been a long time since we last cross paths with each other." Edward said.

"Oh don't even mention that 'last time', Edward." I said as I sighed.

"Sheesh, alright then." He said then he scoffed.

"Mind if I come in?" I asked then he nodded and I walked inside.

"So, what brings you here to the Fitzroys' place?" He asked as I placed the basket of breads on top of their counter.

"Shouldn't I ask you that?" I asked as I turned at him and he closed the door.

"Well I asked you first, so—" He said then I sighed.

"I decided to pay Julia a little visit, I know she is going through a rough time right now, especially with Juliet and Celestia gone." I said as I looked at him.

"Well that's a nice for a girl who rejected me in the past, but apparently Julia is a good friend of my father, and they asked me to stay here for a bit until she feels okay." He said as he scoffed then he walked towards me.

"Can you just quit repeating the time I rejected you? We both know that I had reasons for it and one of those is that because you are such a player." I said as I groaned and glared at him.

"That's what your brother described me to you? Well I am not surprised at all, besides I was just joking around, Johnson." He said as he chuckled.

"Travis didn't describe you like that, I did. And for the record, I am not in the mood to listen to your awful jokes." I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Please, just because I am one of the popular guys in high school, you had the audacity to think that I am 'such' a player?" He asked as he glared back at me.

"You literally broke the other girls' hearts along with your other friends, Edward." I said.

"You do believe in rumors, don't you Lauren?" He asked.

"Even if I do, I wouldn't be surprised at all. Besides, didn't I tell you before that I love or loved someone?" I said as he walked closer to me.

"Oh, that lame Romeo LeyBare? Well sucks for you, he broke up with you a long time ago just for a girl who likes your brother." He said as he smirked.

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