December's Obsession

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He was the moon. Beautiful, but I'd never reached.
The epitome of peace that's hard to breach.
Bewildered by those eyes that stare back at me.
Oh baby, looking at it made my imagination run free.

When did my happiness depend on someone else?
How can you make me feel everything in a short span?
Maybe confessing my feelings isn't bad.
But if I got rejected, it would be sad.

Though I'd still risk it all.
I am doing my best to make you fall.
Disregarding how a woman was taught
Chasing after you despite the pain it might brought

Maybe that one night in December.
Facing my feelings and confessing is what I remember.
That day, everything between us changed.
Something that felt so strange

I don't know what you truly feel.
Because you just keep it sealed.
The more you deny it,
The more I craved for it,

Maybe that's where my obsession began.
constructed a wonderful game plan.
And now I'm the reason for your smile.
I promise your time with me will be worthwhile.

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