A Proposal from the Past

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His to her:

April 3rd, 1902

My Dearest Margaret,

While I fully acknowledge my audacity and selfishness in expressing this, I am compelled to pour out my heart's desire.

Margaret Jones, my love, will you embark on this extraordinary journey with me and embrace the title of Mrs. Margaret Harris? Your presence in my life has ignited a longing that transcends all boundaries.

I understand the complexities that surround your current situation, yet my heart cannot bear the thought of settling for less than the extraordinary love we share. The dream we once whispered has now taken hold of my being, and I cannot resist its allure.

Life has a way of aligning our paths, and I believe this is one such moment. Together, we can create a home filled with warmth, laughter, and the promise of a family. Beyond our dreams, we can build a life that is truly fulfilling, where our happiness is intertwined and our love knows no bounds.

I am aware that my request is daunting. Leaving behind the familiar can be intimidating, but I promise to be your unwavering companion every step of the way. Our combined incomes will empower us to pursue our aspirations, from expanding our dream home to traveling the world.

The sky is infinite, my love, and I long to soar with you by my side. With your 'yes,' I will dedicate my every effort to making our dreams a reality.

Before approaching you, I sought your mother's blessing, knowing that her guidance holds deep meaning. Regardless of her response, I will continue to respect your decision wholeheartedly.

My love for you knows no limits, Margaret. It is a flame that burns brightly, illuminating my every day. Will you take my hand and together, let us paint a masterpiece of a life filled with love, adventure, and unwavering happiness?

With all my heart,

Edward Harris


April 7th, 1902

Her to his:

Dear Edward,

Your unexpected proposal evoked a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions within me: shock, nervousness, surprise, and amazement. The man I had once loved, the standard against which I had measured all others, the embodiment of the qualities I seek in a life partner—it was a testament to the enduring nature of our connection.

Your proposal flattered me deeply. You have always held a special place in my heart, and the thought of spending the rest of my life with you is both enticing and overwhelming. However, I cannot ignore the reality of my current situation.

I am currently in a fulfilling relationship that brings me immense happiness. My partner is a kind and loving soul who has supported me through thick and thin. I cannot bring myself to hurt him in such a way. It would shatter his heart, and he deserves better than to be cast aside for someone from my past.

I understand that the timing of your proposal may have been influenced by circumstances beyond your control. However, I cannot ignore the fact that I am committed to someone else. It would be unfair to him and to you to enter into a marriage without fully resolving my feelings.

Furthermore, the timing of your question feels rushed. Why didn't you ask first if I wanted to rekindle our relationship as a couple before proposing marriage?

I still care for you deeply, Edward, but my love for my current partner is different. It is a love that has grown over time, a love that I cannot simply abandon.  I appreciate your reaching out to my mother, but her influence cannot sway my decision. I am my own person, and I must choose the path that is right for me. I hope you can understand my decision and respect my choice.

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