Supreme Antidote

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Overthinking at its finest
Sadness at its highest
Unable to flash a smile
Coz every thought are futile

I needed to breathe
A peaceful mind is what I seek
Something I wouldn't find
If I stay in this land

I had Countless adventure,
Endless roads I'm passing
Mountain that I'm climbing
Still, my soul is searching.

Until he comes along
A friend from a distant past
Pulled me from my comfort zone
Reminds me that I'm never alone

The one I can be transparent with
Never needed to pretend
Never needed to defend
Just someone I can rhyme with

Listened to my inner voices
Did not judge my wrong choices
Noticed the sadness behind the happy face
Cheered me up until the sadness is erased

Sometimes we keep on searching
Thought that inner wounds can't mend
But the truth is,
All we need is a good friend.

A friend who'll lend two ears
Someone whose presence is calming
Now I know what is the antidote
That one friend who can share the pain


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