Stronger than ever

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In the beginning, love was strong and bright
But as time passed, things didn't feel quite right
We kept it all inside, never speaking our minds
Thinking we could handle it, we were just being kind

But the distance grew, and the silence took hold
Our love was fading, our hearts growing cold
We didn't realize, communication was the key
And without it, our love would never be free

Until one night, we stood at the brink
Of losing each other, our hearts on the brink
Tears fell like rain, as we finally spoke
All the words we kept inside, now finally broke

We told each other, how much we truly care
And all the things we were too scared to share
We promised to listen, and not just hear
To understand each other, and to always be near

We talked about our fears, our hopes and dreams
And how communication was not as hard as it seems
We made a vow, to always be open and true
To communicate, and never let our love fall through

It wasn't easy, to change our old ways
But we knew it was worth it, to save our love in this phase
We opened our hearts, and let our walls come down
And in that moment, our love was truly found

Now we stand, stronger than ever before
Our love shining bright, like never before
We learned the lesson, that love needs to be spoken
And with open communication, our love will never be broken

So let us never forget, the night we almost lost it all
The night we realized, communication was our call
For now we stand, hand in hand
With a love that will always stand.

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