Why Hello

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Slenderman's P.O.V

Bored as usual. I didn't know what to do. I could go for a walk, but just went on one. I was, at this point, back at the mansion. "Bored again, Slend?" I heard Jeff say. I looked to him and nodded. "Then go on another walk." He said and walked away. Why thank you for that excellent advice, Jeffrey.  Although, I guess he was right. Sigh, another walk wouldn't kill me...It might kill other people though. I got up and went down stairs. "Going for another walk, Slender?" Asked Hoodie as I passed him on the stairwell. I nodded my head and walked out the door.

I walked quickly into the forest and started walking deeper and deeper into it. It seemed like hours of silence, then I heard some strange kind of music. I went closer to it and it was 3 drunk old men sitting around a fire with some sort of music coming from a box. I watched from behind a tree as they blathered on about stupid things. "My children are so ungrateful! All they want is more things they don't even need." I was fascinated by how simple humans lived. Something as small as that it what he was going on about? He has children and a family, what more could this stupid human want? I had had enough observing, nothing more I truly learned about humans. I was hungry. Dinner time....

After I had my fun, I carried about my business in the forest. I was just walking along when I heard crying. A child? That was quite strange. What would a child be doing out at this time of night? I went closer to the crying. I saw a little girl in a white dress, black hair tied up in pig tails and no shoes. She looked up at me and screamed. She had dark blue eyes that almost seemed black, and her face was stained with tears. I had some blood on me from before, I suppose that's what scared her. Or maybe the fact I have no face....

"Why, hello." I said as I walked closer to her.. She looked at me in surprise.

I saw her eyes change from dark blue, to dark green. "H-hello..." She said hesitantly.

"Why are you crying?" I asked. Her eyes filled with more tears as she looked away from me.

"I....I...I killed them..." She said tears streaming down her face. She started coughing and crying.  That was odd.... The sickness doesn't usually work on children... There was very definitely something strange about this child.

Random special blah blah blah no.1
Hi yo! Author-chan here to explain a few minor things! 1. Sally is not part of the CP family yet. That is for timeline purposes. 2. Slender is very curious about humans, human nature and how the human mind works. Mostly the fight or flight response. This also means Slender will be adding detail to things that are sort of obvious to a human. I just imagine Slender as the curious type.(There'll be more of these as the story continues)

"Who did you kill?" I asked, trying not to sound delighted.

She cleared her throat (not that that would help) "M-my parents..." She sniffed and looked up at me. Strange, now her eyes were icy blue. "Oh, but death and killing are a part of life. Everyone has to die, but some people die because of other people." I said calmingly, trying to ease her sorrow.

She was silent for a few seconds. "Are you going to kill me?" She asked with big sad eyes. I didn't quite know what to do. Kill her? Leave her to die? Bring her with me back home? One wrong move, and I could doom us all... "Well, how did you kill your parents?" I asked, intrigued by this little girl.

She thought on if she should answer that question. I could tell by reading her mind that she was very much afraid of me. "I was going to kill them in their sleep, but I couldn't reach the knives, so I just used my mind to grab them." She answered carefully, as if her life depended on it.

Random special blah blah blah 2
Yeah, yeah, levitation, how original, I know. This does come in handy in many instances for her, though. It was sort of just added last minute when I was like "Hey! Lets give her some weird super power so I can make excuses for things!!" Yeah, M.A Larson isn't the only one who goes to a magical source when explanations are needed. *cough Starswirl The Bearded cough*

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