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"They aren't puppets," She said, anger in her voice. "They're my friends."

She picked up the rest of her stuff and stuck it in her backpack, letting the puppet's upper bodies stick out from the top.

"Wha-, wait, your friends? Gurl, I think you may be a little coco-loco, if you know what I'm saying..." I said, aiming it at her, but knowing she couldn't hear me.

"Excuse me, but you don't talk to our Marie like that!" Said the male puppet. With a British accent. Without moving his mouth.


I just sort of stood there, awed, watching as the other me walked away with the puppets. Then, she stopped and turned around, looking at me.

"What are you talking about, Discord?" She asked.


"That girl there just insulted you!" Said the female one in a purple dress.

"Not you too, Mortem."


"What, you can't see her?" Asked the puppet with the red dress.

"No, I can't, Taboo."


"Heh heh, you all have such cognitive imaginations..." The other me laughed, shook her head lightly, and walked away.

Cogni-who now?! I don't use words like that! What the hell happened to me?!

I (the other me) walked into the school, and with a gush of wind, it was lunch time. She walked swiftly past every one to get to her locker. On her locker, there was in cherry pink lip stick, 'Puppet-Freak'. Gross...

((you know what? Screw it. I'm calling the other Marie M))

M just sighed and opened her locker as girls from across the hall giggled and laughed at her. I shot the girls a glare, even though it was wasted. M grabbed her lunch and a book and walked outside as fast as she could. She went behind the school and climbed up a later that led to the roof of the school. Once at the top, she dug through her lunch back and got out an apple. She pulled out the three puppets from her bag and set them beside her.

"You may speak now, no one is around." She said as she looked at the puppets.

"Oh, thank the lord. Not being able to say anything to those horrible humans is unfavourable." Said the puppet named Mortem.

"Oh, I get it. She learned all that fancy talk stuff from you guys." I said as I sat cross legged next to puppet, Taboo.

"Excuse me, but must you follow us everywhere?" Asked Discord. I scolded him.

I was still confused how the puppets could see me.

And talk.

It was creepy...

"Discord, who are you taking to?" M asked.

"Marie, you still can't see her?" Mortem asked back.

"No, I have no idea who you're speaking of."

"She's a strange girl... She looks like you, actually." Taboo said.

"Does she, now?" M asked, a half smile on her face.

"Yes, but your hair is black, and hers is white."

"Mm, I see." She smiles.

"Okay, I see I'm being uncool and whatever, but you know what? Just pretend I'm not here. Your puppets are the only ones who can see me, so it's like I'll be able to tell anyone your super-secret-secrets." I said.

"She says to ignore her, and act like she's not here. We're the only ones who can see her, so you can say whatever you want to us, and she won't tell."

"Is that so..." She said, her smile slowly fading. "If it is, there's something I have to confess. I've been thinking about it.... And I think I'll do it." She said. The puppet's eyes seemed to light up (Don't ask).

"Really?!" Asked Mortem. M nodded her head.

"Wait, 'it' ?" I asked.

"Yes, 'it'." Said Discord. (déja-va much?) "You have no idea the kind of heart-ache our Marie has been through her whole life. We were thinking she could become a puppet, like us."

"....Whaaa? How the hell would she become a puppet like you?!" I asked/yelled.

"Well, you see child, Marie made us. She then conjured our spirits to posses these puppets. They are merely vessels for us to communicate. We may leave them anytime we like." Discord explained.

"Oh... So how would M - uh, Marie become a puppet-spirit-thing like you guys?"

"Oh, that's simple." Discord began. "All she has to do, is die."

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