I will. I promise.

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Celia's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch, peacefully.

Okay, that's a lie, I was freaking out. But my introverted instincts made it seem like everything was fine. It was only a mask for my little nine year old sister, Dom.

"Celia, Celia!! When's Hayden getting back? I'm hungry!" Dom came up beside me, tugging on my arm. 

I laughed and patted her black haired head. I looked at her dark skinned face, a bandage on her left cheek after she cut it while playing with knives she wasn't supposed to be playing with. I looked into her big light green eyes, "What would Hayden say if you said that to him?"

She frowned and let go of my arm, taking a step back, "Probably something like "My dear little Dominique! You must have patience! Good fighters have patience, that's how they always know when to strike their opponents!" or something matter-of-factly like that." She did a perfect impression of Hayden, my boyfriend. He acted like a father to her, it made me happy that he accepted her.

I chuckled, smiling at my adorable little sister, "Exactly! He should be home soon, don't worry."

Hayden went out the night before, and still hadn't come back. He left us leftovers in the fridge so we ate that while waiting for him. But it was time for supper and he still wasn't back. I was in a panic on the inside.

Mostly because I was a horrible cook and I had no intention of poisoning Dom or myself any time soon, but also because I was worried about him.

Eight years we'd been together. He'd been with us through our mother's death, thick and thin, up and down, black and white, blah blah blah. I didn't realize I was frowning until Dom gave me a confused look, "Celia?" she asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Wh-what? No, of course not! Y'know, I don't know when Hayd's getting back, how about we order a pizza?" I put on a smile to assure her everything was fine. She smiled back, a wide toothy smile, so wide, you could see her missing teeth, "Yaaayyyy!!!" she yelled in her adorable nine year old way, "Pizzaaa!!!"

I smiled wider and grabbed my phone, calling our favorite pizza place and ordering a pizza. After that, I turned on the TV and waited. We watched Gravity Falls, one of Dom's favorite shows. I admit that the character's were quite amusing. About fifteen minutes later, the doorbell on out apartment rang. I went over to the door, hoping to either see the pizza guy or Hayden, but instead I saw two policemen. 

My heart sank and I gulped, trying not to cry. I mean, what if it wasn't what I thought it was?

"H-hello officers! Anything I can help you with?" I asked them. Before either one of them could speak, a little nine year old popped up beside me.

"Hi police-guys!! Did you bring our pizza?!" Dom asked excitedly.

One of the policemen, the one with the black hair, smiled at her, and bent down to her level, "Hi there." he said to her kindly.

"Hi!" She smiled wide at the police officer, "I'm Dom! I'm nine years old and I like the color blue!"

The man chuckled, "Do you now? That's my favorite color, too." he smiled and stood back up, looking at me, "You're Celia Boudreau, correct?"

I nodded, "Uh, yes. That's me."

They looked to each other, nodding. The one with brown hair handed me a folder, "This contains the case for victim no. 0730618, code name New Murder, real name, Hayden Stevens."

My eyes widened, "... Wh... What do you mean 'case'?" I took a small step back.

The one with black hair sighed, "We regret to inform you that Hayden Stevens was found in the woods, tied to a tree... Dead."

Dom looked up at me, "Cel? What does he mean? Hayd can't really be dead, can he?" He expression was so soft, so sad, so... innocent.

I shook my head, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Can one of you please take care of her? I need to see some real evidence for myself. I'm going to the police station."

The one with black hair nodded, "I can take care of her. Rielly, you drive miss Boudreau to the police station and explain everything."

The other one nodded, gesturing for me to walk out with him. I looked down at Dom, her scared and confused eyes staring back up at me. I bent down and hugged her, "Everything's gonna be okay, all right? Don't worry about anything, just be a good little girl for Mr. Policeman, okay?"

She nodded, her head on my shoulder. I let go of her, standing up and walking away with the policeman. I turned around, mid hallway and yelled to Dom, her figure still in the door way, watching me walk away with sad eyes, "Just be a good girl okay?!" I yelled to her. She watched as I got on the elevator and I heard her say the words, "Okay. I will. I promise."

Promises don't last forever.


Okay, I know, short teaser chapter, I'm a dick, yes, it's all true. But whatever, I just felt like I haven't updated in a while so I still wanna give you guys something to read for a bit, just to keep you amused. The next chapter is Marie's first day of school and it's exactly what it sounds like, but it'll probably be a two parter, so look forward to it i guess...? I don't know, this book kinda sucks but whatever! Til next time my little Dokus!

~Your horrible and lazy author-chan

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