It All Fell Down Because You Pushed the First Domino

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~4 years later~

Dom's POV

The end of my pipe goes right through his chest. Blood spurts out in every which direction, getting some on my gloved hands, clothing and face. He chokes and gasps for his last breath as his pale body shrivels up on the ground. He looks so pathetic.

Unfortunately, I'm still not satisfied. He's not the one who did those horrible things to her, but he did give me some information on where to look next. That, I'm happy about, what I'm not happy about is what I need to do next.

I sigh and begin pulling the wire through his cold skin so that I may string him up to look like she was the one who did it. Not like anyone would be surprised that she'd kill some random person, she does it all the time. Because of the amount she kills, she's been getting really popular lately.

One of the only people in this town we thought we could count on, Dylan Feral, has gone something like haywire. They say from losing his parents, and his best friend, and constantly being alone in a big house with only the thought of death and murder made him lose his marbles. I'm not surprised, but I still thought that even if he wasn't exactly sane, he'd still be able to figure out who the face that was somehow always covered in all of the pictures belongs to.

Nope! Still hasn't figured diddly shit about it! He also hasn't figured out that I've been killing people and framing her for the murder. Just to add to the amount of files they probably have on her. If you want my true opinion on everything--

Idiots. They're all idiots. And that damn Marionette bitch... If I ever meet her in person, I'll kill her. If I get caught by the police, so be it. Nothing matters. I just want her to die. Of course it wouldn't be like this if she had just left my family alone.

But no. Like the cretin she is, she pushed the first domino in the short line of them that their were. Unluckily for her, she forgot one domino. A, once innocent little kid who just wanted to live in peace with her sister and brother, that turned into this.

A depressed, somewhat manic, murderer who blames her murders on the one girl who made a huge mistake. I'm sure that lummox has made plenty other mistakes in her life, but her biggest mistake?

Not killing me as well.

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