A Collage

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Dom's P.O.V

I wonder where she is. Maybe doing fun things with her family, like killing people and baking cookies. Who knows? I've been in this cell for the past 12 hours or so, and I haven't slept a wink in 4 days. I wonder what she'll do when she said she'd come and save me? Is she going to kill me? Or make me her "Proxy"? Whatever that is?

It probably means being her slave, despite what she said. God, why am I even thinking about her? I hate her guts, and I made that very clear, but she seemed to care about me, genuinely. Or, maybe it's just been a while since anyone's shown me real concern or care, and I'm getting carried away.

Alter's P.O.V

Revenge, revenge, revenge.

Revenge: The action of inflicting hurt or harm on someone for an injury or wrong suffered at their hands.

Emotionless, emotionless, emotionless.

Emotionless: Not showing any emotion; unemotional.

Tick tock, tick tock. Figure it out, me. Why am I both vengeful and emotionless when revenge is based off emotions?
Defect, defect, defect.

Hoodie's P.OV

I open boss's door and casually walk inside. "Good afternoon, sir. What do you need?"
"It's about Marie's imposter," he replies coldly, as if I were the one keeping the secret from him, "and how dangerous she could be."
"So you really do know. I suppose Jeff owes me a 20 now, we wondered how long it would take you to find out."
His non-existent eyes give me a death-glare.
"I'm joking." No I'm not.
"Despite the games you might make out of this, it's a very serious matter. I suspect Marie would like to turn her imposter into her Proxy, as her birthday is in a rather limited number of days."
"The deadline approaches swiftly, I suppose. What do you want me to do? Kill the imposter?"
"No, we need to, as much as I hate to say it in this terminology, 'puppet' Marie's desires to our advantage." He does his norm and pulls some files out of his desk as if he had just conjured them up from nowhere, opening the folder and scanning through the contents, reading off most of the important information, "The accused, Domonique Boudreau, is 13 years of age and so far, if my information is correct, she has a kill count of 11 men. All of those kills have been counted as Marie's kills."
"I see you've done your research, as always."
"I've been stalking her for the past few years."
"Then it appears you've known about her for a long time, so what has you angered?"
"The fact that Marie hadn't come to talk to me about this first!"
"Is that all...?"
I watch as he desperately wants to say yes, but knows on the inside that it's not the truth. "... I do, regretfully, admit that I wish I had done something about her sooner, but I honestly meant to recruit Domonique myself. However, she has ties to Marie."
"No, it in fact appears that Marie's first murder as Little Miss Marionette was the boyfriend of Domonique's older sibling, who was murdered not too long after."
"So, Domonique resents Marie, I assume?"
"Correct, how observant. And it is for this reason why we must use Marie, as much as I hate that."
"Do tell your plan, Sir."
"Well, Marie is compassionate, and caring. People who never thought they would have liked someone like her find themselves captivated by her."
"I wouldn't take it that far, but that's a least the gist of it. She has an addictive personality and aura."
"Exactly. I'm sure you can too, but I can read Marie like a book. Sure, I can't read her mind per se, but she is not difficult to read in her expressions and actions. I know for a fact that she'll want to break Domonique out and recruit her. Marie is an intelligent youngling, and I have faith in her, but a jail break is not something I believe she is capable of doing on her own. She'll most likely turn to the help of a certain someone," he refers to Marie's "imaginary" friend, who we all know is far from imaginary, "if I'm correct with that assumption. But, a trusted friend has warned me that that route would end badly for more than one person. Instead, I need both you and Timothy to assist her so that Domonique is transported safely back to the mansion."
"I understand so far... Anything else?"
"Well, you know how Marie is. She doesn't always accept help, as she gets overzealous and believes she can do things independently. You have to bring up Domonique casually and implant ideas of helping her, and eventually she'll ask for your help. She won't suspect a thing." He set the papers about Domonique back in the folder and sat back in his giant chair, crossing his arms in satisfaction of his plan, knowing on the inside how much he hates it and himself.
"Clever, very clever. It's honestly funny seeing from both points of view, you know? Watching her keep the things she knows from you, and watching you keep your secrets from her. You're antagonizing each other while still having a healthy father-daughter relationship. It's hilarious." It honestly kind of is, but it's also very sad. I know he beats himself up that Marie doesn't have a normal life, but a normal life wouldn't so justice for Marie. She'd find some way to make it weird.
"Hmm, I suppose it would be rather humorous, but there's a lot of secrets she's 'keeping' that she firmly believes I don't know about. I know much more than she thinks."
"And yet you refuse to share most of that information with us."
"We're all just a little over-protective of her. If I told you things I know about a certain detective, you'd do things that wouldn't help anyone at all. I know I want to, but as long as I know she lives longer than she's supposed to, in the long run, it doesn't matter."
"I understand. I'll get working shortly after she arrives home."
"Thank you. If you have any more questions, I'm always here."
Nodding quickly, I make haste (but not in a panicky way) out of his office. I go back over to the couch and sit next to Luna as she kicks Masky's ass in some type of shooting game.

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