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... Ow. Okay, something's wrong. I don't know if it's physical, or mental, or even if it's with me but I've got this strange feeling something big is about to happen or already has. I stand up and drag myself around my room, searching for my phone or iPod or some type of device that can tell me the time.

After two minutes of scrambling around I finally find my phone buried in a pile of clothes. Good thing I found it and didn't take it in with the laundry or something. I press the home button and the screen lights up. It's 12:09 in the afternoon and my phone has survived with only 4 percent left. Thank you iPhone! Another thing I notice on my screen are several texts from an unknown number and two texts from Dylan.

I open my phone and immediately go to the unknown ID to see what's up and who it is.

UnknownID: I know what you are.

UnknownID: I know who you are.

UnknownID: You will not get away with what you've done. Be weary. I'm watching.

Annnnnnnnd delete. Not up to dealing with that cringe today thank you very much. I go on to read Dylan's texts.

DylThePickle: Ask your dad how many kills you've made since your title of Little Miss Marionette

DylThePickle: Please

What in the world? How many kills I've made? Why does he need to know? Probably some detective thing. Whatever, I'll get him his answers after breakfast, dad's probably busy right now... But it wouldn't hurt to at least say hello and ask the question nonchalantly, right? Yeah, it wouldn't hurt. I haven't talked to dad recently, I miss him.

I change out of yesterdays clothes and put on some random t-shirt and sweatpants (the luxurious life of a killer, enchante) and hop down the stairs. I see Masky on the couch and jump onto it next to him. "Hey Masky!"

"Ow! Ow! The leg, the leg, watch for the leg!" He hisses in pain.

"Oh, right, sorry!" I quickly apologize, slightly panicked. I really didn't mean to hurt him!

"It's okay, just be a little more careful next time. Anyway, short stack, what's up?"

"Nothing much, really. Just woke up, now I'm hungry. I was gonna go talk to dad for a bit as well but my hunger took over so... I'm gonna go get breakfast now!" I get up from the couch and go behind it to hug Masky's head. He chuckles and I go to the kitchen. I see BEN playing a game on his DS. "Hey BEN. Whatcha playing?"

"A racer game. I've been bored lately and there's plenty of them out there so I thought, why not try my luck with them? See which one I like the most." He responds in a tired tone, proving he's been up all night and day playing video games.

"Haha, cool. Do you wanna play a game together later on? CoD maybe?"

"No way, not with you." He smirks, not looking away from his DS screen. "You always show off by no-scoping and it's not fair!" He laughs childishly.

I laugh along with him, the no-scoping being a long running gag between us. "I keep telling you it's because I forget which button it is to scope!"

We have a mini laugh attack and surprisingly others in the kitchen pay no mind to us since we're usually like this. After I calm down, I walk over to the freezer and grab some frozen waffles, popping them into the toaster and waiting. I watch over BEN's shoulder and give annoying and unnecessary commentary to distract him so he loses his spot in first place.

After two minutes of profoundly annoying BEN, I grab my waffles from the toaster and slap some butter on them (sadly, this butter is not exotic). Munching on my waffles, I make my way to Dad's office. I'm about to knock on the door when I hear voices from the other side conversing with one another.

Little Miss Marionette(CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now