A New Face

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Marie's P.O.V

After I had my little talk with "mom" and "dad", I caught up with Jane, Hoody and Masky. We climbed into a first floor window of a house and silently crept upstairs. The house belonged to a couple with no children. We went into the master bedroom. I took one look and the sleeping bodies and was ready for my first kill. I acted calm, but I was super exited!! I felt like a normal girl, about to get her first kiss, but instead of kiss, it was kill. The woman had her hair up in curlers, and a nightgown on. The man had a repulsive hole-filled tank top shirt and some dirty underwear.

I walked over to the woman and tapped on her shoulder. I gripped my knife in hand and changed my eye color from black to dark blazing red. She woke up. "Say hello," I put my knife against her throat. "Now say goodbye." I said and slit her throat. Jane slit the mans throat and we left the bodies to Hoodie and Masky. When Jane and I got outside I let out a huge sigh of relief. "That was awesome!" I exclaimed. "Well get used to that awesomeness kiddo, cause it's gonna be happening a lot more." She ruffled my hair with a smile.

We were walking back home through the forest when I saw someone looking through the burnt ruble of my old house."Um, you go ahead... I'm gonna follow this guy, see if I can get another kill tonight." I said and slowly and quietly started making my way towards him. 

"Ok." Said Jane loud enough for me to hear her. I followed the strange figure back to where they live. Their house was big and blue. It had three stories and a balcony at the top. I found a way to sneak in and followed the person downstairs.

The figure took of their hood to reveal the face of an average everyday boy. He was wearing a black Hoody, and jeans. He had black hair with light white tips, and hazel brown eyes. So I wouldn't make a sound, I levitated myself in the air. He sensed my presence and quickly turned around, leaving us face to face. "Hi!" I said. 

"Aahh!!!" He screamed and fell backwards. "Is that some kind of new word for hello or something? Man, my grammar is out of date." I said. He looked at my weirdly, then looked at the ground and how I was floating. "Oh, I'm just using my telekinesis to hover myself." I said and slowly landed back on the ground.

 "Who the hell are you?" He asked and causiously stood up.

"Oh, yes. I'm Marie, and this is Taboo." I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out Taboo. He growled at the boy and climbed on my shoulder. "What's your name?" I asked.

 "Um.... D-Dylan... Dylan Feral.

"Ok, Dylan. What were you doing by m- uh...that old burnt down house?" I asked hesitantly. 

"None of you business, Marie." He said with a snide tone. 

"Fine, I guess we'll do this the hard way." I said. I grabbed a knife and put him into a chokehold, holding the knife against his throat. "I'll ask you this one more time, Dylan. What were you doing by the old burnt down house?" My eyes changed from green to bright scary red and my facial expression from happy to eager. 

"I like crime and mysteries, ok! A murder happened there exactly six years ago, and nobody found out what happened. I thought I could at least try to find some clues." He said trying to get my knife and arm off his neck. "A murder mystery?" I said curiously. "Yeah, this family used to live there. They had a child, but one night a fire started, killing them all. 

But apparently they parents were already dead by the time the fire started. The bodies were found, but not the body of the child. They suspected the child was kidnapped, but there was no true proof." He explained, still trying to get free.

I let him go. "So that's what they think happened..." I said rubbing my chin. "You're not too good with first impressions, huh?" He said massaging his throat. 

"What else do you know?" I asked. 

"That's basically it. That's all I know, that's why I trying to find a clue or something." He said and shrugged. "Well I can tell you the full story and the truth, at that." I said. 

"What? You know what happened? What about the child? Do you know what happened to the child?" He asked eagerly. 

I sighed. "I am the child. Or, at least I was." I crossed my arms with a serious expression. 

"... What?" He asked, obviously confused and wanting answers.

"You're the missing child? Do you know what happened? Where did you go after the accident?" He asked excitedly. 

"Oh, it was no accident," I said."because I was the one that killed them." 

He backed away from me, with a surprised and mortified look on his face. "Y-you..what? But...how did...Where did...What? This makes no sense." He crossed his own arms in a disbelieving way.

"It will." I started. "When I was little, my parents abused me, and used me as way to smuggle drugs. My dad was a police officer so if I tried to go to the police, they would just drive me back home. When I was 5, I discovered my power, and when I was 7, I decided to end it. So, in the middle of the night, I grabbed knives with my power to kill them so the police wouldn't find finger prints. Well, that and I'm short. Then to hide most of the evidence, I burnt down the house. I wandered into the forest where dad found me. He took me back to the mansion where I grew up." I explained. 

" 'Dad'? Who's this 'dad'? And what mansion?" He asked. 

"Oh yeah! Duh!" I facepalmed my wpic fail face. "My dad isn't my actual 'dad', obviously. He's Slenderman. And I grew up in the-" He cut me off.

"Creepypasta mansion, yeah I know what it is." He said eyes wide and jaw dropped. 

"So that's my crappy life so far, how's yours?" I asked jokingly. 

"So you're...a Creepypasta...?" He asked. 

"Yep!" I replied with a smile.

"No way. I'm not buying it." He said with his arms crossed. 

My smile dropped."I didn't hesitate to kill you, did I?" I said with a grim expression. "Yeah, but you weren't actually going to kill me." He said with a stupid smirk. 

"Try me." I levitated a knife to his throat.

"Ok, ok, ok, I'm sorry I doubted you! Jeez..." He said raising his arms in defeat. 

I dropped the knife to the floor. " Apology accepted!" I said with a smile. I got to know Dylan a bit. He likes solving crimes because his parents were murdered and he solved the case! He tries solving other crimes, but the one about me, he's been working on for 2 years. We like allot of the same music and movies. We talked until about 6 am then I decided to go home. I promised to come back, but he didn't seem too thrilled about that. He's a loner, I guess.

Slender's P.O.V

It's about 6:30 and Marie isn't back yet. Maybe I was right, she's not ready. I shouldn't have let he go out. "Jane, you said you'd get her back safe and sound!" I yelled.

 "She wanted to follow this guy and get another kill in or something. I didn't think it would take her this long to get back!" She yelled back at me. 

"Grr. I'll go find her. She's probably lost somewhere." I said. I pushed Jane aside and walked out the door, only to find a little Marie, sleeping on the pavement. I picked her and brought her back inside. 

"Well that was quick!" said Jane as I walked in the door. "Sshh!!" I shushed her. I carried Marie upstairs and put her to bed. Maybe I should trust her...


Rewrote this chapter at last whoop whoop!!! I hope you like this book! It kind if sucks, but hey whatever. Thanks for reading!!'n

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