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The next day is cloudy and humid. There's going to be rain soon, as there always is during summer nights. It's pitch black outside with clouds blocking out the moon and twinkling stars. Masky, Hoodie and I are on our mission to get Dominique. My heart is pounding! I can't tell if it's from nervousness or excitement! It could very well be the fine line between the two, and if that's the case, welcome aboard new emotion! We're happy to have you!

I smile, knowing eventually I'm going to say something similar to Dominique. I can't wait for her to be a part of the team! She's going to do great, and I'm finally going to give her a family.

"Marie, you ready?" Asks a staticky voice through my earpiece.
"Ow, ow, ow," I whisper in pain, grasping for my ear and holding it in pain. The static was so loud that it felt like the inside of my ear was being zapped by Zeus' fricking lighting bolt. "Yeah, I'm ready. Hey, could you turn the volume down on my earpiece? It feels like trying to connect a radio to a frequency that doesn't exist."

"Ah, yeah, hold on," I hear him do some small tampering, then come back on, much clearer and less static, "And how's that?"
"Much better. Thanks, Masky."
"No problem. Hoodie's position is on the roof. He's secured there, so go ahead and plant the explosive. You know how to get there right?"
"Yep. I got it."
"Good luck, kid."

I breathe in slowly, looking at the large wall before me. I start to climb using the grooves in the cement, propelling myself over to the other side. Sneaking around each corner, hugging my back to the wall to check for guards, I safely find my way to the very back of the juvy. I'm surprised how little security there is, but this is just a small juvenile detention centre, not Shawshank.

I take the explosive and plant it, setting the timer. I run away as fast as possible and get back over the cement wall. "Okay, The explosive is planted and I set the timer for 10 minutes."
"Great! Now we wait. Once the explosive goes off, Hoodie'll cut the power and you'll rush in and get Dominique."
"Yep, I got it."
"So... This girl, Dominique, remind me why we're getting her out of prison."
"Right! Well, I kind of killed her sister's boyfriend, and that was the only source of income for her family, which only consisted of her sister, her, and her sister's boyfriend, so her sister got into prostitution and was killed, so she started killing and framing me to get revenge."
"... So she hates you?"

Dom's POV

I know spending a week in a cell with only the smell of cement and bread will do something weird to your brain, but I swear I hear someone saying my name.

"Domonique... Domonique... Wake up..."
My eyes flash open and I see a man with a hood over his head and pale white skin, a purple light glowing behind him.
"Who... Who are you?" I ask, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.
He smiles. "I'm the Author."
"Who- what... I..."
He chuckles softly. "You're tired, I know. Your path for the truth is a stressful one. Everything will be alright."
I stay silent, not sure what he means.
"You will know your truth soon," he puts a hand on my cheek, "but there's something I must tell you."
I tilt my head to fit into his hand, delirious from tire.
"We often choose the paths of life too soon. And the path of truth is depressing and horrible, full of despair. So don't search for truth. Be truth."
He chuckles, "You'll understand soon." He looks to the side, out of my cell, and smiles creepily wide. "Be careful of the truth, Domonique. It's often deceitful."

Just barely a second later, a huge boom comes from the other side of the building. Everything shakes, and I hear screams. I panic and get up, then turn back to the man, yelling, "What was that?!" Only to see him gone.

All of the power goes out the next second. All of the cell doors open, and immediately people run out of them.


Shayla, my cellmate, looked over at me, worry and fear in her eyes. "What's going on?"
"I... I don't know. There was a big explosion and the power went out."
"What about the backup generators?" She gets up and stands next to me. 
I shrug. "I don't know."
"Well... It was nice knowing you!" She cackles and runs out, whooping and howling like a fool.

I stood near the exit of the cell like a deer caught in headlights. I felt paralyzed. Then, in all the peril of screaming and far away fire, someone dropped down in front of me. She looked the same. Happy face, same outfit, white hair in pigtails, but she looked more determined.

We stare at each other for a long moment. Then she holds out her hand. She doesn't have to say anything, but I should. I don't. Instead, I just run up to her and wrap my arms around her, burying my face in her chest as I begin to weep. She wraps an arm around me comfortingly.

"Let's go home."

Everything about her makes me want to hate her. Everything she's done makes me want to hate her. She makes me want to hate her. But I can't. I'm too tired to hate anything anymore. I'm too tired to hate the truth. I just want to feel okay again. 


O  O  F hi there it's weird to still be here. This is short, which is weird considering how much time I had to work on this chapter but hhhhhhhh

So here's the thing

It's summer now, but when I go back to school, I'm going to be going into this program that's going to let me publish my very first book. Like. Actually publish. Like a physical book that will be sold in stores.


I'm suuuper super excited. My first book!!

It won't be LMM, or anything related to LMM. It's going to be this story idea I've had for the past two years that I haven't written yet and it doesn't have a name.

But. Just. Yeah. HHHH SO EXCITED.

Having said that, I'm gonna try and get LMM done. I'm serious. I really want to finish this book. 

See you guys later <3

(oh PS i haven't updated in so long but like i have a gf now??? and we've been dating for 9 months???????? idk how she puts up with me but i love her)

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