Little Miss Imposter

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I flop down on my bed and squirm with excitement. Yes, yes, yes! I'm going to get to meet my little impostor! I'm so excited! Ooh, I wonder what she looks like? With a name like Domonique, I bet she's gorgeous! This is going to be great!

I stretch on my bed, cracking my back and giving myself satisfaction. According to Dylan, Domonique is only 13, the same age I started killing! Hmm, I really wonder what I'm going to do? Maybe I'll just talk to her? Or I could always kill her! But that would be a waste, especially since she's so good at killing and all. Oh! I could make her my Proxy! It might be a little too early, though... Hmm.

Aw man, I'm so effing excited! I get up and jump around my room, when I hear a knock on the door. I go to open it and see Hoodie! "Hoodie!" I jump up and hug him, he hugs back.
"Hey cupcake, what's up? You seem a little too excited. Something good happen?"
"Yeah! Get this -- someone's framing me for murder! Isn't that awesome?!"
"Yeah... That's, uh... Great. How exactly is that good?"
"Because it means that there's somebody out there who knows me! Anyway, I might meet them on my job tonight! That's why I'm so excited!"
"... Uh huh. Have fun with that."
"I will!"

He walks away and I slam the door, jumping up and down again! My phone buzzes in my pocket and I pick it out to see a text from Dylan.

DylThePickle: Are you sure you're ready for tonight?

LittleMissMemes: Yes! I am so ready! I'm so excited! I might just die!

DylThePickle: Haha

DylThePickle: Please don't.

LittleMissMemes: Don't worry, I've got this!

I freak out for the next twenty minutes, then finally get dressed in my improved outfit. The coat is the same shade (or relatively) but the shoulders aren't puffy and it is much easier to move in. I still have striped socks and the striped shirt but my skirt is longer and my shoes have grips on the bottom of them. My hair has remained in pigtails with bows and with my bangs covering one eye, just 'cause it looks edgy. My bangs do get a little annoying sometimes, and in the way a lot, but I did a mission without it one time and it just didn't feel right.

After assuring that I have enough string, I walk downstairs instead of going out the window so I can say goodbye to Hoodie, Masky, Jeff and Luna. I hop over the last step, hopping the rest of the way to the couch, jumping onto it next to Luna and resting my head on her shoulder. "Heeyy~! I'm about to go on my last mission before my birthday~! Wish me luck?" I gave them all a pouty face, hoping they wouldn't all just ignore me.
"Don't fall in a hole and die." Luna says in a bored voice, keeping her eyes on the TV as an episode of Steven Universe plays.
"Awww, Luna! You're too sweet~"
"Nope, I take it back. Fall and break your neck."
I hug her torso. "I know you love me!"
She chuckles lightly, "Knock 'em dead, kid. Literally."

I let her go and hug Hoodie next as he says, "Glory to Arstotzka," which makes me laugh.

Jeff waves me over to him after that. I walk up to him and he tells me to close my eyes. I do so, and I feel something being wrapped around my shoulders. When I open my eyes, I find a beautifully knitted, bright red scarf! I gasp and take it off, looking at it while I squeal with excitement. Jeff chuckles sheepishly, "Come on, it's not that great."
"Are you kidding me?! It's amazing! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hug him tightly, thanking him many times for the wonderful gift. I wrap it around my shoulders twice, it slightly covering my mouth. But my smile's too big for anything to hide it!

"I'm going now! I'll be back in a few hours!" I tell them, walking more towards the door. They wave goodbye and shout random things like "Murder 'em without killing them," "Glory to Arstotzka, make mother country proud," and "Harambe dabs for you." (Thanks, Jeff.)

Little Miss Marionette(CreepyPasta)Where stories live. Discover now