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~~I'm just gonna warn right now that this chapter is actually gonna be super sad, with a happy-ish ending :)~~

I had never been to a funeral before. I didn't really know what to do, or if I had to do anything. Dylan was more depressed than usual. I wasn't sure if that was normal or not. I was never sure how mourning was supposed to work, I had never done it. Yeah, I killed my parents!

Big fucking whoop.

I hated them, why else would I kill them? Because I went insane? Nope. They were the worst people alive and deserved it. But in regards to mourning, I don't know how to react. I'm not even the one mourning and I'm already having mixed feelings.

Like Dylan told me to, I wore a black dress. It was plain and casual with a longer wavier part at the back. My hair was down with a small section on each side tied to the back of my head with a red bow. But to be honest, who even cares.

At the funeral, I felt the most depressed I ever had. I tried my best to smile for Dyl, but he just glanced at me every time, gave a sad smile and looked away, his smile disappearing. Some people went up to a podium and talked about Sarah. They talked about things they loved about her, good times they had spent together.

Sometime later, Sarah's father asked Dylan to come up to the podium and talk. Dylan's shoulders tensed as they usually do when he's nervous. He stood up, letting go of my hand which I had held for a while as a means of support and heavily walked up to the podium. He cleared his throat and began to speak. "Well first I'll have to say I am in no way prepared. I didn't really expect to be asked to speak up here." He chuckled dryly. His hands were shaking, his breath was unstable, I could tell his heart was racing. I could tell he didn't want to be up there. I could tell he really didn't want to be here.

"I'm not exactly sure what to say... Sarah was my best friend, it feels like I'm still in denial, really. Like she hasn't actually left... Uh, nevertheless I'm glad that I caught her killer, but I couldn't have done it without Marie. A close friend and a new co-worker." He motioned to me. I scrunched my shoulders up and waved around me awkwardly.

Dylan looked down and mumbled something under his breath that was in no way audible. He continued to talk like the rest, sharing stories and things about the person. Occasionally he would glance down and mutter something quietly.

Dylan's P.O.V

As I first approached the podium, I could hear her voice echoing in my ear. "Come on! Just say some nice words about me. Not that difficult for a genius like you I hope."

"It's not that easy..." I whispered, then held my breath in case someone heard. I got to the podium and cleared my throat, hoping every bit in my mind that I didn't stutter, or collapse on the pressure of everyone's gaze that was unknowingly staring me down. "I'm not exactly sure what to say... Sarah was my best friend, it feels like I'm still in denial, really. Like she hasn't actually left... Uh, nevertheless I'm glad that I caught her killer, but I couldn't have done it without Marie. A close friend and a new co-worker." I gestured to the short, white-haired girl, hoping she wouldn't be mad at me for giving her  that much (probably) unwanted attention.

"You're replacing me with her, huh?" I heard a soft whisper into my ear, but the way she said it made it feel like a sharp smack to the face. The amount of disgust in her voice with a tone of "I knew you would do this to me one day" just made it all the more sinister and chilling.

"No I'm not..." I quietly spoke, watching my hands as my thumbs twiddled and my fingers intertwined. I looked back up at the crowd. I wanted to scream, and to curl up into a ball and cry myself to sleep, or dig a hole out in the graveyard just beyond the gates of the church and sleep with the dead. Just, anything but in front of a crowd of people I barely knew.

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