Marie Growing Up

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I just though some of you might want to know what Marie was like as a kid and all, so here :D Eat away my Chans ^w^ (BTW this is happening the day after Slender found Marie.)

Slenderman knocked on the door to the little girl's room.

"Marie?" He opened the door and saw her standing by her window.

"O-oh, Slender, h-hi...." She said as she turned around to face the faceless man.

"Something wrong, child?" He asked.

"N-no, everything's fine..." She lied.

Slender knew everything was not fine. He could still read her mind at this point, after all.

"Marie, I know everything is not okay. I realize you don't want to talk about it right now, but when you do, I'm here." He put his hands on her shoulders.

She looked at the ground. "Okay..." She said softly.

Slender noticed the small part of her hair that was turning white.

"Marie, what is this?" He took the strand in his hand so Marie could see it. Marie looked at it, very confused.

"I, uh, I don't know." She replied.

"Hm... I see. In other news, please come with me downstairs."

"Um, okay...."

The two walked downstairs in silence, but Marie's mind was racing with thoughts. They reached downstairs and everyone was in the kitchen. When I say everyone, I mean everyone. Everyone that was living in the mansion at the time, that is. Hoodie, Masky, Toby, Jeff, Jane, BEN, Slender and now Marie.

"Children, may I have your attention, please." Slender called as Marie hid behind his leg.

Jeff and Jane stopped their bickering as everyone turned their attention to Slenderman.

"I'm sure you all remember Marie from yesterday," He gestured to the girl as she clung to his leg. "Well, I have to go out today, so I'm leaving her in your hands. If anything happens to her, the one responsible can say goodbye to their head." He then teleported away without another word. Everyone just went back to what they were doing, so Marie stood there, looking at the ground, not quite knowing what to do. Then someone picked her up and looked at her with a smile. She thought he was smiling, anyway... He had brown hair, yellow goggles and a mouth guard that looked like a smile.

"H-hey, there!" He greeted kindly.

"Um, hello." She greeted back.

"I'm T-Toby, what's y-your name?" He asked, keeping the same attitude.

"Um, Marie..." She said, a little confused. He should've known her name by know.

"Knock it off, Toby." Someone said from behind them. Toby turned to the person, Marie still in his arms. A boy, around the same age as Toby, stood there with his arms crossed. White mask with black eyes and mouth, brown hair, yellow jacket, jeans and sneakers. Behind him stood another boy, just a little taller than Toby, but shorter than the one with the white mask. He had a black mask with red eyes and frown sewn into it, a orange-beige hoodie, jeans and sneakers.

"Knock w-what off?"

"You're scaring her."

"S-scaring her? Are you k-kidding me, Masky?" He looked to the little girl in his arms. "A-am I scaring you?" He asked her. She shook her head. "See?"

Masky sighed in annoyance. Toby tickled Marie and she laughed.

"L-look, isn't she j-just adorable?" By now Marie noted that Toby would make small ticking noises when he wasn't talking. He would also twitch from time to time. Marie didn't mind this at all, though.

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