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Hoodie's P.O.V

When Marie (or as I like to call her, terrifying and dumb) comes home, she slams the front door open and announces her return with great enthusiasm.

"Uhg, I'm home."
She walks over to the couch and collapses next to me.

"Well, someone's tired. Stay up too late?" Masky asks with a scoff, trying to hide all his concern and failing miserably.

"I guess... Who knows... Jus'a rough week. Lots of stuff happened." She sits up and moves closer to me, suddenly using my arm as her personal pillow.
"We know. Everyone goes through weeks- even months likes these. It'll be alright in the end."
"Promise." I promise (or as I like to call it, conceptually lie).

She smiles and turns her head to me, wrapping one arm around my torso and pulling me into a very strange side hug.

"Anyway! I've got a plan to plan!"
"Sounds time fulfilling, mind if we join in? We've got nothing to do until Boss's new mission, and we've been warned that won't be for a while." I ask, unsure if I'm sounding suspicious or not.
"I mean- I could use some help... I was gonna ask someone else for help, but... you guys would probably be better at this." Phew... She didn't say anything about it sounding suspicious. Well, maybe that isn't a good thing...
"What's the thought process?" I ask, our made up saying, since "what's the plan" or "what are we doing" is a vague question to her, because she would literally just answer with the plan and no other context.
"Okay! So, you know how my birthday is soon?"
"When that happens, I'm going to get to lead myself. And, dad wants me to get a proxy, or two."
"Yes, we are aware of this."
"Okay, okay, okay, so, there's this girl who was pretending to be me and killing people..."
"Oh, your imposter you were talking about the other night?" Masky asks.
"Yup! So, last night she was captured by the police, and now we gotta break her out so she can be my proxy."

Don't get me wrong, I love her, she's like my little sister, and she's really sweet, but she can be really, really dumb.
"Why the heck do you want her to be your proxy if she was pretending to be you and kill people? Doesn't that kind of mean she hates you?" Masky questions with his amazing ability of common sense.
"I know it sounds stupid, but trust me, it's gonna work. You guys have a lot of common sense, and I respect that, but what you don't have is uncommon sense, which is the second best thing."
Well at least she's self aware.
"Anyway, what do you need us to help with? Distractions?"
"Yeah, something like that. I just need to get her out of there and not get caught. I could just kill everyone there, but there's probably a low success rate for that plan, so out the window it goes."
I nod in agreement.
"Mass genocide should always be the last option."
"... Even when deciding what to have for lunch?"
"Different subject entirely."
"Right." She nodded.
"In any case, we'll need a blueprint of the building, if possible, or at least knowledge of the layout and the whereabouts of the girl you're trying to break out."
"Right! I can get that~ easy peasy. Probably."
"You sure about that, Mar? Do you need any other help getting that part?" Masky offers assistance, knowing that Marie will turn him down, because god forbid we be anything more than smaller background characters to help with plot development.

No, stop it. Stop thinking like that. It's not making anything better. We're not just sofas to her, we're more...

"No, it's okay. I can get it on my own, but thanks for offering! Also, I'm just going to point out that you're really comfy to lay on, Hoodie."

... Unhelpful.

"Alright, well off to bed with you, okay? It's been a long day and you need rest."
"Fiiiiiiinnnee..." She resisted getting up off the couch, but finally made like a snail and moved, slowly.
"G'night~!" She yelled, running up the stairs.

I looked over at Masky, who looked really unsettled.
"This is weirder than I expected it to be." He mumbled incoherently.
"I know," I put my hand on his shoulder, "but this is what needs to happen. I hate it just as much."
"We're going to be okay, right?"
"Yeah, as long as we follow his orders. He knows what he's doing."
"Right." He moved his head onto my shoulder.

"Hoodie! Slender wants ya!" I jerk my head (or as I like to call it, my suffering dome), back to see Luna standing in front of the door that leads to Slender's office (or as I like to call it, "The Room Of You Dun Fucked Or Are About To"). I groan, and donk my head on top of Masky's before I get up.
"Good luck."
"I'll need it."

I open the solid black door that used to give me shivers and step inside. 
"Yes, sir? You called for me."
"Indeed, please sit down."

Oh shit. This is bad, this is seriously bad. He never asks me to sit down, I'm always standing. Why am I suddenly sitting? What's the meaning of this?

"I see your panicked expression even through your mask. Please, just take a seat and I will explain." He gestures elegantly to the chair, but not elegant enough for me to not notice his hands shaking.
I gulp carefully and take heavy steps towards the chair.
"And I understand you prefer to have your mask on, but I would like it if you took it off just for the moment."

Even worse. Unwillingly, I oblige. The cold air of the office hits my face immediately. I take a shaky breath in as I ruffle my hair.

"Okay, I'm listening. What's going on?"
"I wanted to ask how the persuasion with Marie went." He intertwines his long, pale fingers and scoots closer to the edge of his desk, giving me his full attention.
"It went well. She agreed to let us help, and we'll continue to do what you tell us."
"Good, very good..."
"There... there must be something else. That's not it, is it? You set up a chair. You asked me to sit down. There must be something going on." I stop myself from saying anything else before I go on a tangent of panic.
"There..." He assesses his situation, "There is in fact something else. It's... It's about the Alter Ego."
"What... what about it?"
"It's real."
"What?! You said it was a theory! There's not way it's real, it-it's just a myth!" I'm suddenly out of my chair and words are flying out of my mouth louder than I mean them to.
"Brian! Calm yourself!" He yells, shutting me up and settling the room's air. I'm left panting from yelling and standing in front of his oversized desk. I sit back in my chair, putting my head in my hands and groan.
"How dangerous is it?" I ask after a minute of thinking, now looking up to him but sitting lazily in my chair.
"Depends on who it decides to attack next. I understand it's difficult, but it feeds off negative emotions, and that is how it gets inside your head. We need to make the next while here very happy, and light hearted. Small negative emotions don't affect much, but a heavy amount of grief, sorrow or anger would do the trick."
"So, there are definite ways of avoiding it until it goes away?"
"Yes, but I don't know when it will go away. This house, sadly, is a breeding ground of negative emotions."
"Okay, okay, so I just need to calm down. It'll be okay. We'll just get through this. I should plan some house activity that will keep the house in a good mood-"
"... Yes?"
"Please, get some sleep. It will help with your mental health. Both you and Timothy."
I draw in a long breath and slowly let it out.
"Yes, sir. We'll resume planning tomorrow."
"Indeed. Sleep well."
"Thanks... Slendy." I grab my mask and give a small chuckle as I leave, addressing him the way I used to.

I walk over to the couch and see Masky already sleeping with the TV still turned on. I click it off with the remote and grab a random blanket to tuck him in. After successfully doing so, I see Luna from the staircase, watching me. I walk over to her.

"Hey." She greets.
"Are you doing okay?"
I scoff, "Are you?"
She remains silent and gives me her signature frown.
"Sorry, that was kind of rude... I'm just under some stress. I'll be okay. We all will."
"You sound like you're trying to convince yourself more than me."
"Well, I do need some convincing. I can't really trust many things. Anyway, I'm going to bed." I try to push past her on the staircase.
"You can trust us, y'know. We're your friends."
"I know. I just wish it was that easy."

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