Marie is Slender.

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I opened the door to the house and gallantly stepped inside. My shoulder was still wet from Dylan's tears but I finally got him to take a nap-

"Marie! Save me!" Sally sprinted up to me and tackled me. "Ow! Sally what are you-" I was interrupted by a screaming psycho with... pink hair.

"Sally!! You little brat! You'll pay for this!" Jeff stomped over to us in a towel, his now neon pink hair dripping wet. I had to cover my mouth as I let out a loud snort. Jeff tried to chase after Sally as I just laughed my ass off. Eventually dad walked in. "What is this racket?!"

He saw Jeff, and we all went silent. He sighed. "I'll get you some hair dye..." he slumped off, Jeff angrily trailing behind him. I high fived Sally. "Nice one kid."

Sally and I sat down on the couch and browsed through the kid section of Netflix. I kept suggesting things, she called them boring and told me to got to the next one. Eventually we asked ourselves why we were browsing the kid section and traveled to the horror section where we chose The Mummy 2. We then spent the rest of the movie throwing popcorn at the TV whenever something cringy happened.

We wasted a lot of popcorn.

((Okay, time for the true part of the chapter. This one is just a joke chapter, taking request from the last answering questions chapter titled "Ask Marie and Dylan chapter because I'm stupid and I forgot."




Here we go. The dankness begins, I've also received a few other questions so I will also answer those.))

The first one is number 3: Slender goes on a vacation and Marie plans a party.

Let it begin!

Marie pushes Slender out the door. "Are you sure everything will be fine without me? There's enough food in the house to last all of you until I come back?"

"Yes, Dad!" She struggled to get her extremely tall and worrisome father out the door.

"Just, whatever any of you do, don't touch the alcohol, alright?! Do you all understand?" He tried turning around to face the room full of uninterested pastas, but his daughter pushed him further out the door. All the Pastas let out a mutual sigh of agreement and mumbled words here and there.

"Alright." Slender finally started walking out on his own. "I'll see you all in two days! Don't ruin the house and clean up after yourselves, and nothing involving fire!"

"Okay, dad! We get it! We'll see you later, love you, byeeeee!" Marie finally pushed Slender out the large door and slammed it behind him. She turned to everyone and yelled "He's gone!" with a big smile on her face.

No one gave a fuck.

Marie was disappointed by this. She walked up to Masky, Jeff, Hoodie and Luna. "Why isn't anyone else excited?"

"Probably because Slender is here only like a 35 percent of the time anyway." Jeff scoffed and went back to his knitting.

She scowled at him. Then admired the lovely hat he was creating. Well done, Jeffrey.

Jeff rolled his eyes. "I told you Narrator, my name is Jeff."

Well alright then, calm your tits you edgy bitch.

Marie looked at Hoodie Masky and Luna. "Doesn't anyway want to have some fun?"

Hoodie looked back at Marie. You couldn't see it in his face (obviously), but you could hear it in his voice than he was wearing a skeptical and judgy look. "Marie, your idea of fun is either finding a new victim and tearing their eyes out while they're still alive, or dropping a bunch of mentos into coke bottles and dancing around in the chemical reaction."

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