The Story of A

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Story time, little children

This guy was a pretty horrible experience all around, but the weebish-ness really starts to set in near the end

Saramortis - Me

A- Creepy weeb person with no boundaries

T - Cute, fairly nice person who i later became friends with

N - Kinda weeby anime dork friend i had previously

- Horrible teacher

K - Actually good teacher

R - My transman boyfriend, who was my girlfriend at the time of this story

Alright, so in my sophomore year of high school, I was asked to join the illustration class by my art teacher, because at the time, I was very dedicated to art (even though i wasn’t really good lmao)

I felt very honored, seeing as i got an invitation to do more art. 

But sadly, I will forever remember that class as a nightmarish hellscape, with a teacher that failed to protect me, and thus, rightfully, i hated her.

So, day one, i enter the classroom, and notice my friend, N is present. I immediately sit down with him, because hey, i was a puny little girl with social anxiety and i latch onto anyone i’m comfortable with in the slightest in a class. When it comes time to pick groups, T comes to join us, attracted by our laid back demeanor. Then follows A, who comes across as a little shy, but also welcomed into the group nonetheless. I had seen A around my previous schools, as i live in a small town and almost everyone knows everyone here, but I had major social anxiety, and had never dared to approach a person i didn’t know. We all got along pretty well right off the bat, but T and N sort of latch onto each other, and do their own thing most of the time. That leaves me and A to sort of talk and swap interests and just mingle in general.

A and I had very similar interests, we both loved horror movies and comic books and had a goofy sense of humor. So that was nice. He just seemed like an average, kind of introverted kid. He didn’t look like a weeb, Just some kid who wore a lot of hoodies and slasher film T-shirts. He was pleasant.

at first

as time went by, A started to open up to us, and become VERY vocal. He would LITERALLY shout across the room at people he didn’t know, asking them inappropriate questions like ” HOW DO I SWEAR IN YOUR LANGUAGE?? TEACH ME!!” (there were a lot of foreign students at my school, as my town is kind of noted for that sort of thing, even A himself was Canadian). He began to become…odd… he would always ask me what i was doing over the weekend, and i would always reply “Haha, oh…nothing..” (which was true). After he knew I was way into horror films like him, he began suggesting me horror films constantly. “Saramortis,Have you watched this movie yet ??(it was almost always this one called “The Skin I Live In”) it’s so good!! you NEED to watch it!! and at first, I’d say “Sure!! I’ll give it a watch”, but to be honest, i was in the midst (of what i now know) was a bipolar struggle, which had pushed me to become suicidal. So movie watching wasn’t on the top list of my priorities, and i’d end up never watching them. But he would still, every day, BEG me to watch the movies he liked. It put a lot of strain on me, because he’d never stop, and I was already crying myself to sleep at night because of my disorder, so I really didn’t need anymore pressure from him. 

Not only that, but he would constantly ask the TEACHER, H, if she’s free over the weekend and if she’ll go on a date with him. She would just laugh it off and say no.

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