Hetalia Weeb in Hawaii.

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I just got back from a trip to Hawaii..it was great except for the part about the weeb staying in the same hotel as us. I met her waking around the area near our hotel. Though i had seen her on the computer in the business center looking up anime the night prior but was too tired to talk to her. So the next day i got my chance.  I was wearing an italy soccer t-shirt when i heard a squeal and was glomped. “ITALY-KUN!” I stood up and rolled my eyes. “I am not Italy.” She laughed and began taking about how kawaii Italy is. I saw my family coming over and used it for an excuse. But the next day she returned and was fucking worse. We were taking a tour of Pearl Harbor…yup you know where this is heading. When i got on the bus the weeb had an america plushie, a hetalia bag with hetalia pins and patches on it. She waved me over yelling, “Italy-kun over here.” But i ignored her. She kept bothering me the whole bus ride.

When we got there shit hit the fan. On the sub there she was all up in my personal space, followed me to the food vendor and into the gift shop. She asked me, “Isn’t it werid they don’t sell hetalia things.” I said no. She said, “America and Japan were just having some romantic tension.” after seeing the arizona memorial. I got pissed off and snapped, “JUST ROMANTIC TENSION?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YOU THINK MEN DYING IN A SURPRISE ATTACK DIED CAUSE OF ROMANTIC TENSION! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!” Her parents came over asking, “insert weeb’s name what’s going on?”  and i explained everything how her behavior was just horrible and disrespectful. They got mad at her and decided to leave but not before apologizing  

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