I Have a Dreadful Past.

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This isn’t exactly a weeaboo encounter or anything, but it’s basically me being such a weeb when I was a 12 year old girl. Please excuse my bad English, as English isn’t my first language.

Everything started when I started to get into anime and manga when I was 12, so it’s when I’m in grade 6. I’m an Asian living in an Asian country, but you know what, we don’t live like a Japanese anime at all. I was really really into fairytail at that time, everything I talked about is fairytail, how I love Gray and how Gray is handsome and is like the prince of my life. I scream and told everyone anime is my life, how I will be a mangaka when I’m older and make horrible yaoi doujinshi. I didn’t even realized that my friends are all creep out by my behavior, they’re all such nice people they pretend to be okay. I uses ‘chan’ and talks like a such a stupid girl on Facebook and Twitter. What I care is anime and manga, I don’t even care about how I looked like. I almost became a hambeast. My hair isn’t kept well (I have a natural puffy hair, but at least I can do something to make it look nice), I’m almost overweight, I have pimples all over my face, I smell pretty bad, my teeth are almost yellow, and I didn’t care about my nails. However, for some reason there’s this one boy who actually likes me, he’s a pretty popular boy who secretly likes anime, so I thought I’m so fucking attractive a popular guy likes me. Which is obviously not, we’re both just a kid and he probably just like me because I share the same interest as he does (not many people likes anime in my school). I can’t even believe I think I was a freakin pro at drawing when I just draw generic anime art and I actually show off my drawings that I traced from the internet to my friends. I feel fucking horrible really. Not just that, I act like a tsundere and acting like I didn’t want to be photoed and ruins my photo in the yearbook. I look like a retarded kid who can’t smile and look super ugly. Even students from the next school (the school have 2 elementary which is separated and 1 junior and high school which is in the same building) heard about my ‘weeaboo-ness’ and think I’m a nerd who isn’t good at anything. What I listen to is anime songs and everything I like is Japanese things. When I got invited to a party what I do is sit in the sofa and read manga and ditched all my friends whose actually having so much fun partying. Grade 6 is like hell for me now.

I’m so glad that I’m out from my weeb phase right when we have national exams. I study hard as fuck and got second highest score in all the grade 6 classes. My classmates started to recognize me to be the ‘smart’ kid and I appreciate them. When I’m a freshman in junior high, I lose weight (around 17 lbs), I do facial to remove my pimples, straighten and wash my hair everyday, style my eyebrows, brush my teeth everyday, keep my nails short and clean and so much more. I realized my art sucks, I practice drawing every once in a while, change my drawing style to be more realistic and unique, and finally I got better. I still watch anime and read manga, including yaoi, but I keep my hobbies for myself and didn’t squeel like a mad person in public. This isn’t the end, a boy in my class whose fairly popular, really smart and cool took a liking to me. He started to text me and tell me how my art is an inspiration to him. This time I know this person likes me for my capability and how I act. He actually told me he thought I was such a geek and realized he was wrong and I’m such a nice person. I feel so much better and I’m really glad I get out of my weeb phase and didn’t do more stupid things. 

This experience really teaches me so many things, now I’m like the mature and smart kid who have a talent on arts. I made more friends and is having a pretty great time in grade 8. But, every time someone mentions about my ‘past’ and ‘Facebook and twitter’ accounts, I stop them and change the whole topic. It’s embarrassing and I can’t delete my old Facebook and twitter accounts because I forgotten my old email and password (both have Japanese names I can’t even remember  them anymore). That is all of my weeaboo story currently, hopefully I will keep being a nice and sane person.

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