Multiple Personality Weeb

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So first off I’ll start how everyone seems to. I guess I’ll call the weeb S. I’ll refer to my girlfriend as Green. and my best friend will be E. also if this ends up seeming like word vomit. I apologize in advance.

I’d like to start this story by saying I was once a mild weeb…not a massive one by any standards. but I had the dumb dream of becoming a manga ka. and tried to insert Japanese words into things…for a while I even bowed to people…god…but I’ve grown out of that now, like most of us tend to. but I still like a good Yaoi. and I still make my own stories and characters, and fuck me if I’ll ever stop RPing. but this story I think is why I eventually took a step back and realized that being an ‘Otaku’ can go too far and luckily I never got this out of hand.

so back in high school I had this small group of mildly weeby friends. some more so then others of course. at some point in grade 10 we adopted a new girl into our group and really, at first she seemed pretty normal, at least as normal as the rest of us were.

but then S. started acting really weird, pretending to be all meek and shy one minute and then a huge douchebag the next. eventually someone came out and told me that S had ‘multiple personality disorder’, as you can imagine I immediately thought this was retarded as just about any normal person would. but the rest of my friends actually believed this garbage so I went with it, mostly because if I didn’t these idiots acted like I was being an insensitive bastard. but here’s where the weebyness enters in.

S had recently gotten into Elfen Lied. not long, actually, before this multiple personality crap came into play. and surprise surprise, other then the normal persona (which had some dumb Japanese nickname I can’t remember now) the other two where Nyu and Lucy. at this point I had begun talking to her and actually spending time with her more. and she was a class act let me tell you. suddenly feeling ‘feint’ and then randomly Nyu would ‘come out’ and she’d start acting like a fucking moron. more often then not she would use Nyu as an excuse to skip class and then someone like me would have to go out and babysit her, skipping class as well. unsurprisingly after about ten or twenty minutes the normal persona would come back out. or one that could at least say more then one fucking word, so that she could enjoy skipping class.

fast forwording a year to grade 11 the group of us had now fully accepted I guess (?) that S had multiple Anime personalities. (I know there were other Anime Characters thrown in there. I just don’t remember exactly which ones other then the ones I have or will mention. but I’m pretty sure one was a pokemon) I had breifly met Green a few months before, but now the two of us were starting to actually hang out. which mainly consisted with us talking about characters because we were both avid RPers.

Nyu ‘came out’ after school not long after I had met Green and was taking her home to hang out with my friends for the first time. we weren’t dating yet but it was obvious something was going on between us. well apparently S didn’t like that, so naturally Nyu showed up to garner all of the group’s attention. luckily for me, someone else opted to babysit. but I ended up having to explain the whole scenario to Green. it was so embarassing. because the rest of the group just acted like it was fact. so at this point I was basically hardwired to play along. luckily Green got the hint and sort of played along too.

I started hanging out with Green on a regular basis, and it wasn’t long before it came out that S had a huge crush on me. and the rest of the group was acting as if I owed her something because of it. I wasn’t insensitive by any means. but it was pretty obvious I was into Green. I guess S decided that making her self similar to Green in some small way would attract me to her? I don’t really know. but she found out that Green and I went to an Anime convention earlier in the year, at which Green cosplayed as Akito/Agito from Air Gear. so guess which ‘personas’ developed not long after this? not only that but her personalities had ‘triggers’ now. and apparently seeing me was the only thing that could bring back the real S… (I shit you not) and apparently seeing me and Green together was just so upsetting that it brought out one of the more harmful personas. it was at this point that I started really giving zero fucks about this girl’s feelings. this was when she pulled out the final stop and developed a persona that was actually one of MY fucking characters. and of course it was a really cutesy Character of mine, so that she would have an excuse to act super ‘Kawaii’

at this point this among a few other things in my group had driven me away, and I begun spending time with another group of friends who were still into anime, but much less fucking insane. at this point I was dating Green and the three major members of my old group were super angry about it. S being one of them as well as the resident hambeast. this was information I found out through my best friend who I’ll just call E. (who is normal and not in any way a weeb I have to mention…poor E.)

not long after I broke off from the group of weebs, E and S started dating. E has the patience of a saint to put up with her. it’s been years now and we’re all out of high school. E and S are still together and now S treats E like crap. apparently she came up with some miracle excuse for all the personas to disappear. probably because after going with this bullshittery for so long it would be hella embarrassing to admit it was all a lie. I have spoken to her a bit since…as far as I know she isn’t a weeb anymore. but she still gets fanatical over other things. I just wish I could spend time with E again without S having to be there.

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