Creepy "Fox Spirit" Weeb

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Shy, introverted, and somewhat awkward, I was pretty much on my own navigating my first year of high school. I had no classes with my four closest friends that year, our lockers were in different areas of the school, we had different lunch periods, and we didn’t ride the same bus; except for first thing in the morning (because we all got there well before the first bell) we didn’t see each other during the day.

While it was far from being a huge interest, I still liked anime and manga and had several anime shirts that I would wear to school, and it wasn’t uncommon for me to be seen with my nose buried in a manga; it was safer than trying to interact with all the noisy “normal” people I was surrounded by.

One day on the bus after school, a few days into the new school year, one of the big, scary, seniors sat down next to me. He pointed to my shirt. “Hey, you like Inu Yasha, too.”

"Uh, yeah, I do," I responded. This guy was seriously scary. He easily towered over me, wore a trench coat, and regularly threatened to go after some of the other students on the bus with a katana if they didn’t leave him alone. I, on the other hand, was barely 5’4", probably 110 pounds soaking wet, and unless I was with my friends I was scared of everything short of my own shadow.
Despite his scary appearance, the guy was actually quite nice to me, if a little strange. But I could handle strange. I mean, after all, I was kind of weird myself as far as everyone else was concerned. And how could I turn down a potential friendship when I was mostly on my own?

We struck up a tentative friendship; our only commonality was anime, but that was mostly because that was his only interest. He started protecting me from the bullies on the bus and in the halls, which I was grateful for. He had my lunch period and his locker wasn’t too far from mine so I often saw him between classes, too. I started to feel better about being in high school.

Then he started flirting with me. I was really confused by this; I had never considered myself all that attractive—I didn’t wear make-up, my glasses weren’t trendy, my hair was usually just tied back in a messy ponytail because I couldn’t be bothered to do anything with it, and my usual attire was loose jeans and slightly oversized anime shirts. He made me a bit uncomfortable with the flirting, but I went along with it.

Eventually, around November, he asked me to be his girlfriend. I didn’t refuse. He wasn’t really the kind of guy I wanted to date, but I was afraid to say no, in case I lost the one friend I had during the day. It was after that that he started getting really weird; he started making up all kinds of things like how he had special powers, was really an undercover ninja, his “real” parents were from Japan and had been forced to give him up because of some kind of conflict with another clan, he also claimed to have schizophrenia (I don’t know if he legitimately had a mental disorder or was simply pretending to, though I’ve always leaned towards believing he really didn’t, because his “symptoms” presented as disassociative identity disorder rather than schizophrenia; one of my interests outside of anime was psychology so I was fairly well-versed in it even then) and said he was actually part fox spirit. He wanted me to be his “fox waifu” and one day have his “spirit kits” and help him rule his clan. This sent up a lot of red flags, but I was still too scared to end things.

By that January, he’d been pressuring me for nearly a month to have sex with him, but that was one thing I was not going to give in on. He got really pushy, saying things like how we were soulmates and meant to be together, but if we didn’t “unite” soon then something bad would happen. I still refused. He got meaner, often saying rude things to me and putting me down (looking back now, I see all the signs of an abusive relationship). After a few weeks of bullying, I was getting ready to dump him when he dumped me, stating that it just couldn’t work because I “couldn’t see [my] destiny by [his] side with our spirit kits”.

I was relieved beyond belief to be rid of him by that point.
The following two years were blessedly free of weeaboos; my closest encounter was a friend informing me that she had seen my ex-boyfriend at a fast food place where he was now working. Said ex recognized my friend, gave her his number, and asked her to tell me that he missed me “terribly”, “regretted how [he] acted” and “wanted [me] back”, and to call him. She was glad when I rolled my eyes and tossed his number in the trash.

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