Naruto-obsessed guy with a sword

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So. I think I already submitted this story to the old version of the blog, but it’s just too creepy to let it disappear into the abbyss. So I’m gonna write it up again. It’s gonna get a bit long.

Also, putting a warning for stalking, mentions of self-harm, and rape threats.

My own weeb phase wasn’t extremely long or too weird, and I’m actually thankful for it, because thanks to this I started drawing. But it’s not a story about this. It’s a story of many mistakes and a very creepy guy that I’ve been reminded of because he wrote to me on facebook a couple weeks back.

In 2007 I was 15 years old, and I was just finishing middle school. It was also when my weeb phase has reached its’ height, and I made quite a few just as weeby friends back then - including this guy I’ll keep calling J, because… You will know in a couple paragraphs.

I think I befriended him on dA, and I was extremely happy that I met someone from my own country. He was eighteen and didn’t seem too weird, especially since I’ve never been particularly sensitive and any attempts at being flirty he might’ve made would simply be ignored by me.

I also happen to have a one year younger sister who befriended him too, trough me, and it all went okay for a while; we chatted a lot, talked about Naruto (my weeb obsession of choice) etc. But my genius younger sister decided that she’s found me a perfect boyfriend, no matter that he’s three years older. He lived kind of far away, but she still invited him over, even talked about it with my mom - and I learned that he was visiting three days before he came over.

So me, mom and my sister set out to meet this guy. First impression is pretty okay; he was really tall, blonde, maybe a bit overweight, but generally well-kept. Now’s the time I should mention I’m not into guys at all, but my sister insisted I should get a boyfriend. But whatever.

The first thing he admits to is that he’s a follower of Jashin (for those who don’t know, some kinda bloody god demanding scrifices from Naruto. Also that’s why I’m calling the guy J). It made me kinda wary, but it still wasn’t enough to ring any bells. I’ve always been kind of immune to weird.

Well, he spent three days at my house… And boy, were those days eventful. He came over two days before this small graduation party my school held, and so I spent some time at school, not only in classes, but also helping out with organizing some stuff.

The first warning sign that I should’ve noticed but didn’t care about at first was the fact that J carried around a sword. And not just a wooden one - a legit, big, sharp metal sword. The first day, after I came back from school, he told me that he visited my school. I was a bit weirded out by it, because… Not only did the school security let a tall guy with a sword into the school, but he also apparently asked half of my teachers about me. Well, everyone makes mistakes, right?

The next big thing (apart from occasionall weirdness) that happened was the evening of the actual party. Everyone there was only 15, so it was extremely tame; J took me there along with my mom. I chatted with him for a bit, then left to dance around with some friends, because honestly, I didn’t come there to talk with J. He managed to creep a guy from my class out - J was bisexual, and decided it’s a good idea to come up to a fifteen-year-old boy and tell him that he looks ‘kawaii’, and that he’s going to rape him, so he should look out when coming back home from the party. This friend was creeped out for two weeks after J left.

Later, I’m just fooling around with friends, laughing and stuff - a couple songs later I took a break and someone comes up to me saying that J was seen muttering angrily to himself and punching the wall, then apparently left. I shrugged and simply continued having fun, because at this point I was too fed up with J’s idiocy to care.

When I came back home my sister told me that something’s wrong with him, he’s sitting in her room, and that I should go talk to him. I walk into the room and see the weirdest scene - he got an empty coke can, broke it in half, and was trying to cut his arms with the sharp edges. I was mad at this point; I attempted to calm him down, told him to go to sleep, and went to sleep myself, happy that he’s coming back home the next day.

He went home, and I thought I was finally free, but it still wasn’t the end of the story. After coming back home he confessed to me that when I slept, he’d sneak into my room and watch me sleep. He admitted to having a crush on me, and this went on for a few months; him finding me on social media sites, trying to talk to me all the time. I was tired of it, but at some point he stopped writing. I wondered why until my sister told me, since she had his phone number and texted him - he ended up in a mental hospital.

TL;DR: creepy dude has a crush on me, sister invites him over, he threatens a guy with rape, cuts himself, watches me sleep, ends up in a mental hospital.

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