The Creeper pt. 4 (final)

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I had to create another Facebook account because Wasabi kept making new accounts and trying to add me after he figured out that accounts don’t simply crash and erase themselves. For a couple weeks it was quiet, and then came Anime Expo.

Anime Expo was one of my very first conventions and the very first time I ever cosplayed. Sam, Stace, and my friends were very adamant on making this the best experience for me, so throughout the year we were designing and making our cosplays and figuring out the itinerary for each day of the con. Since the character I cosplayed had black hair with blunt bangs, I decided to go wigless, since it would be a waste of money otherwise. Unfortunately, this made me very recognizable if anyone I knew happened to spot me in the crowd. 

Sam and I were couple cosplaying and were actually more popular than expected. At one point we were stopped by a photographer, who was then joined by about five others. And that’s when I saw him.

I had no idea Wasabi was going to AX, and if I did, I probably would have tried to make myself less recognizable. He himself was wearing a pretty bad closet cosplay which consisted of a navy blue trenchcoat and combat boots. He’d spray-painted his hair a light orange/blonde color. I couldn’t identify what character or series he was from but it didn’t really matter. Wasabi noticed the small crowd and looked at me dead in the eyes. Then he barged over and demanded to have a photo with us.

He was trying to sidle next to me and put his hand on my waist but I, and Sam, were not having any of that. Sam pushed himself between us, glaring at Wasabi. “Why don’t you put your hand on my waist instead?” The crowd laughed a little but Wasabi looked like he was about to murder someone.

I think Wasabi was trying to hold back. After all, there was already a small crowd, and we were in the middle of a busy hallway; he didn’t want to make a scene. But I suppose a month of being ignored and/or yelled at by everyone was enough to push him over the edge. After a few seconds Wasabi threw down everything he was holding. He then shoved Sam with both hands and began screaming, loud enough for pretty much everyone, including people passing by in the hall, to hear. “WHY DON’T YOU BACK THE FUCK OFF OF MY GIRL?”

It became a screaming contest from then on out. I don’t even remember what everyone said. I just remember being really, really angry. But this is an approximate reenactment:

Photographers: “what the shit”

I don’t think Wasabi expected all of us to rally on him. I had a feeling he was expecting to fight one-on-one with Sam, with me as a bystander. But I definitely wan not going to be passive. Wasabi directed some words at me, first desperate (“You were supposed to be mine!”) to derogatory (“I guess this is how sluts treat nice guys!”) Either way, I drowned him out with shouting and told him that I never liked him and I never will and would he please back the fuck out of my life. Eventually I think it dawned on him that he would never get his kawaii Japanese shojo anime ending and he stormed off, shouting something incoherent. The last image of him I have in my mind is him literally shoving everyone out of his way as he worked through the crowd.

And that was all. That was the very last time I ever saw him. We took a couple minutes to cool off, apologizing to the photographers as we did so, although most of them had already left at that point. (I know this was a while ago but I’m sorry if you were any of those who happened to be there.) Apparently someone had alerted con security but by the time they arrived it was too late. And so we dusted ourselves off and continued on with the rest of the convention.

For a couple months following I heard a few rumors about Wasabi here and there, mostly about him harassing other “Japanese” girls in college, but after a year people stopped talking about him. I removed all association from him and deleted the remainder of his ridiculous messages. He never tried contacting me again.

And that is my weeaboo story.

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