"The baka deserved it"

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TW: racism


A little over a year ago, my next-door neighbour was shot and beat to death in a fight that had something to do with cocaine. I was already suffering from extreme mental health issues (I’m doing a hell of a lot better now) and that shooting and what happened for the next three weeks only made my problems worse. 

Some important information. The man who was shot was half black and the man who shot him was from Japanese descent. I am 1/4 Mohawk Native (an old Canadian Native tribe) so I suppose I have some physical Asian-looking characteristics, but I am obviously 3/4 white. I’ll go by N and the weeb will go by Stinky.

The story:

The shooting happened on a Friday night, so I had a weekend to try and pull myself back together for school on Monday. I thought I was 100% certain I’d be able to handle all the questions from my classmates and the school staff, and I was and it all went pretty smoothly. My friends shooed people away when I had had enough of being questioned and they co-operated. Well, most of them. Stinky did not co-operate. 

She wasn’t overweight but she smelled like a sewage pipe beside a landfill, mixed with a heavy stench of urine (and at one point you could clearly tell that she was on her mensies due to the stench coming from her). Her hair was greasy and was a rat’s nest, her teeth looked yellow and rotted but she surprisingly had nice skin. She asked me the questions that everybody else had asked, “Did it really happen?” “Are you okay?” “Was there blood?” “Do you want to talk about it or…?” When I said no to that last question, my one friend told her it was time to leave me alone. Stinky wanted to ask one more question and I (even though I really didn’t want to)agreed to answer it. 

"Why did that [N word] even TRY to fight a kawaii nihongese samurai anyway?"

I stood there, shocked. My neighbour had been shot and here was some girl I had never spoken to before asking me such a ridiculous question. Without answering, I turned and ran to the bathroom so I could cry for a bit. 

I did not go to school for the rest of the week, but Stinky had somehow gotten hold of my Facebook (I had used a nickname that only my close friends and family know) and asked me again via messages. I blocked her. She then got hold of my twitter and FUCKING TWEETED (thank GOD she had been forced to deactivate her twitter!) the question to me. Publicly. Blocked her there as well, didn’t hear from her until I went back to school.

The next week, I’m back at school. I had lost weight from all of the stress going on in my life-including what had happened the week before. My friends barricaded me when we walked in the halls so Stinky couldn’t see me. I attended all of my classes, spent my lunches in the Guidance Office (as suggested by my parents) and hung out at the local Library after school with my friends for a couple of hours. It all went well for a few days until Stinky was at the Library the same time as me one day (Pretty sure it was a Thursday). I was trying to catch up on the work I had missed the week before as well as memorize my part in Hamlet for ADA4U (Drama) when Stinky came up to me and apologized (it sounded very forced.). I accepted her apology and hoped she would go away, but I was not so lucky. She snatched my copy of Hamlet away from me and asked “Why are you reading a baka book about dead people when your baka [N-word] neighbour died a few weeks ago? I bet it’s your fault. I bet you teamed up with the other Nihongese man.” (This is just a paraphrase of what she said and asked, not her exact words). I grabbed my books and stormed out of that Library (haven’t been back since).

Enter Week Three. I’m at school, trying my best to hold myself together. Save the Library, my routine was the same as the week before. Over the course of those few weeks, my dosage of medication had been increased and I was feeling very drowsy. I was in the Drama corridor one day, waiting for the teacher to arrive (she was known for being late) when Stinky appeared, apparently skipping Learning Essentials (a class required for students who are on the verge of month long suspensions/permanent  expulsion) and she saw me. My friends tried to react, but they were too late. Stinky came up to me, spoke to me in broken Japanese about how my neighbour was a “baka” and then she laughed and walked away. Before she reached the end of the corridor though, she turned and yelled at me (I was already shaking and in tears by this point) “Your baka [N-word] neighbour deserved it! If he weren’t a [N-word] none of this would have happened! Stop your baka unkawaii crying because I know you’re glad the [N-word] is dead!” I couldn’t move. All I could do was stand there and cry and shake. 

My Drama teach had come not long after Stinky had left and saw me trying to pull myself together. My classmates had told her about the encounter, I was sent to the VP, along with three of my my friends and one fellow classmate to tell about what had happened. I also told him about the harassment that had been going on for the past two or three weeks, Stinky was expelled and sent to an ALF (Alternative Learning Facility).

It has been a year since this incident and I have recovered as well as I ever will. I still have the occasional  breakdown, but they happen less and less. I also hope Stinky comes across this. Maybe she’ll realize how awful she was. 

tl;dr: Neighbour shot by Japanese man, weeb torments me for weeks on end, throws racism into the mess and gets expelled.

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