Cosplay Bullying Story

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On friday, I went to school in my Grell cosplay. On friday, I wanted to celebrate a fun day with some friends I met at a convention who are attempting to put on a nearly impossible show. On friday, I went to school expecting a few strange looks, confused questions, rude comments, and maybe even a few laughs.

What I didn’t expect was that I would be attacked by someone that I had never even seen before.

It all started when I was talking to one of my friends at the end of the day. I felt someone tugging at my wig, so of course I turned around and politely asked them to stop, because I didn’t want anything bad to happen to it. Apparently that was the biggest mistake that I could have made.

The girl completely snapped. She ripped my wig off of my head (thank god I didn’t have it pinned in), grabbed my real hair, and pulled me to the ground. She then started hitting me repeatedly. There are bruises on my arms and legs, scratches on my forehead, and I’m still not entirely convinced that I don’t have a small concussion. She also destroyed somewhere around $100-$125 worth of stuff, and considering the fact that I was wearing 4 1/2” heels at the time, I’m lucky that I was not severely injured. All of this because I was dressed strangely. All of this because I asked someone not to touch my things without asking first.

I wore my cosplay to school knowing that it wouldn’t be treated especially gently, but also knowing that if it couldn’t survive a single day at school there was no way it was going to survive all day at a convention. I did not wear my cosplay expecting to be attacked because I chose to stand out.

But what’s even worse than being attacked, in my opinion, is some of the things people have been saying about me on facebook. 

"Bahahahaha __ just got the fuck beat out of her!!! Bahaha best way to end my Friday."

"Hahahahahhahhahaa best thing everrr"

"It really was tho ha"

"The red wig and the fucken vampire teeth"

"FOR REAL!!! And she questions why people make fun of her and look at her funny. Thank you __ for punching that dumb shit off of her!"

"Did someone get that on video??"

"I love you__ my little bad ass haha stay out of trouble .!!PS text me"

"Omg you go girl you touched her weave? HAHAHAHAHA omg."

This status and the comments on it make me SICK. I have done nothing to these people. All I have done is quietly exist alongside them at school. Some of these people I haven’t ever even spoken to before. And yet, because I choose to dress in ways that aren’t considered “normal,” they not only condone the violence against me, but go so far as to say that it was the “best thing ever” and it “made their weekend.” In many ways, this attitude they have adopted is even more dangerous than the person that attacked me. It is this attitude that everything different must be destroyed that made that girl think that this was okay, and that she can do this with no consequences. These are the people that are allowing bullying to continue to be a large problem in schools. 

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