Stalked Through Anime

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before i start, this story isn’t so much about an obnoxious weeb, but the guy it’s about creeped me out terribly and he is sort of an otaku. this might not get posted bc of that but damn i need to tell this story to somebody.
so, last summer the new animal crossing comes out, right? i’m in love with it, i play it every day as much as i can, and when school starts i play it during free time. then this kid that supposedly went to my middle school, i’ll call him C (he seemed familiar but neither me nor my best friend recognized him that much) started sitting next to me on the couch in the school lobby every day after school. he watched me play, and apparently he played the old gamecube version! great, i never meet people who like animal crossing! he also seemed to be into anime, according to him he spoke some japanese and could read kanji too. cool, right? wrong.
he wasnt so bad at first, he’d sit next to me and ask about certain aspects about the game and just watch. i never went out of my way to talk to him or anything. then after a while, i was getting a little bored of the game, so instead i’d be on my phone blogging. he still sat next to me every afternoon. he’d just stare at my phone. eventually he made a tumblr and followed me. this was when it got creepy.
he seemed to do whatever he could to get my attention. i’m pretty sure my blog was the only one he followed, and the only one he reblogged from. it was only after he saw some reposted pixiv art with kanji written in the caption that he mentioned he could supposedly read it, and tried to tell me what it said. he watched dangan ronpa after i told him i liked it (he obviously wasn’t interested in it for his own reasons, he didn’t even look into it enough to know it was a video game originally), he also watched madoka magica for the same reason even though he said “it’s really girly” and i can’t imagine he would have mentioned so unless that was something he didn’t like about it. he gave me a drawing of touko fukawa, obviously referenced straight from one of her sprites and taking up the whole page with her head (i didnt want it and threw it away, but i wanted to be nice by taking it) later he tried to give me a drawing of gijinka kyubey that i’m fairly certain he traced, but i said no.
he texted me all the time, telling me i look really cute today and whatever, i usually ignored it bc he creeped me out. he was now sitting next to me in the only class we had together, he stared at me in the halls, and every time i turned my head to look at the board behind me, he looked up as if i was looking at him. then the worst part. i was looking through my followers list, hoping to make mutuals with some similar blogs, when i noted a blog i hadn’t seen called “lolislothisthecutestgirlalive”. in case you can’t tell because of the weebstories theme, lolisloth is my blog. i opened it, flattered but mostly mortified, there was no theme or blog photo or any posts, and the description read something like, “lolisloth is the cutest girl on the planet, and i’m gonna use this blog to show that if i can get a picture of her.”
it was horrifying. that was definitely his blog. it was typed in his typing style, he only blogged from mobile so he didn’t know how to change the theme, and he was the only person in real life at the time besides some close friends that knew my blog, and there’s no way i’m popular enough on tumblr to have anonymous admirers, esp since at the time i never put up photos of myself.
my protective boyfriend called him, using a blocked number, and using some claim that he was like some personal lawyer or something dumb like that, and sure enough it was his and it was gone within the hour, along with his normal blog. he cried for two days (i don’t blame him, how embarrassing) and stopped sitting with me for about a week or two. but then he started again. i stopped sitting on the couch after school to get away from him, but he still stares at me when we pass in the halls. thankfully he’s not in any of my classes anymore.
i’m a little scared to go to the local con this summer, especially since i tend to dress skimpy there for the rave and because it’s hot. i don’t want him to ever see me outside of school, especially in that attire. he’s creepy and obsessive and as afraid of him as i am, i almost wish he’d stalk me irl or something just so i could have a good reason to have my dad file a restraining order.

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