You're Gay, So You'll Love My Comics!

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This happened during a photography class last winter. We were in groups shooting portraits in two different studios. My girlfriend and I were in one studio while our friend Alex was shooting in the other. Alex pays us a visit and tells us about what had just happened in the other studio. He tells us that he was approached by our classmate, Laura. 

He tells us that while they chatted she told him that he could totally pass as a gay man. He broke the news to her that he was "Very gay". My girlfriend and I were just a little thrown off by that since Alex doesn't do anything to hide his sexuality from anyone. Its pretty obvious.

What he tells us next is what really knocks us off our feet. He tells us that she asked him if he was the pitcher or the catcher. We can imagine how Alex must've felt after being asked such a personal question! Thankfully, he replied to her saying that's he isn't comfortable sharing that kind of personal information.

After hearing this, we all agreed about how inappropriate that was considering that we barely know this girl. She's a homely girl that just keeps to herself in a corner. She'll either be reading manga, hanging around DeviantArt, watching anime or sleeping during lectures. She's never tried to make conversation with any of us. Then when she finally makes that attempt, it had to be with the gay guy and she just had to ask such an inappropriate and personal question.

It got even more awkward after that. We decided to leave the studio for a moment to get snacks and tell Alex's story to one of our friends.  While he was re-telling his story, I noticed my girlfriend signaling to us that Laura was approaching. She snatched our friend and ran back into the studio. Unfortunately, I was a little late in noticing her signs that she came up to us looking at Alex and with this annoying tone in her voice "Ahhh... So you're the kind to gossip?" So now she's classifying him based on stereotypes it seemed. Alex was stumbling on words and I tell her that she shouldn't be asking those kinds of questions. She shrugs at me and says that she just HAD to know. Alex tells her that no, she doesn't need to know and he wishes to keep that personal.

After that, Laura starts to boast that she knows everything there is to know about gays. She knows this because she draws them all the time. So she has the qualifications to become a professional in homosexual studies. I found that to be hilarious.

She then suggests to Alex that when she gets her comics published that he should totally buy them. She tells him "I know you'll love my comics. You're a gay guy, and my comics are super gay." I couldn't believe what I just heard and again, Alex was stumbling on words just trying to be nice.

She draws like every yaoi fangirl you'd encounter. Because of that I mention to her that I have gay boyfriends that would take offense to her comment. Alex looks over to me and randomly asks if he could be my gay boyfriend too. I told him that I was pretty sure he was already, but he could if he wanted to. Laura tells us that she doesn't have any gay boyfriends herself. We think that Alex was her first real encounter with a gay guy.

Alex and I were both trying to figure out what to say next, but were saved when my girlfriend called us back in for help.

While Alex spent the rest of class with us in our studio. I'd sometimes catch Laura at the door staring at Alex as if she was imagining him in one of her gay sex fantasies or something. He was so embarrassed. I seriously wouldn't be surprised if she actually did make a comic about him.

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