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Okay, so when I was about 14-15, somewhere around there, I decided to go with a couple of my friends to the local convention, dressed up in our favorite series, D.Gray Man. I was finally getting out of my weeb phase, so I wasn't that bad anymore. I calmed down considerably. Anyways, my friends and I dressed up as this series, and me and my best friend at the time, Verity (not her real name) switched cosplays to be fun.

I got her Allen Walker cosplay, and she got my Lavi cosplay. They were really casual, and my Lavi cosplay was absolute crap but at least it was a fantastic wig. Her Allen casual was amazing and I loved it. After getting dressed up, I fell in love with the cosplay because I looked really good and cute. So, we drove to the convention with our other friends, the Lenalee cosplayer, Stefcia (changed), and the Kanda cosplayer, Tawny (also changed).

So, after going through crazy bad luck bullshit (i.e. Verity being a camerawhore and accidentally knocking her Coke into the floor of her mom's van and shortcircuiting shit and basically having the van die so we have to push it into the parking lot), we get into the convention. It's amazing, and I always love going to cons. I've only been to 2 others before. People immediately flock to us, and compliment Stefcia and Tawny's uniforms, and my casual cosplay, and Verity's wig.

We love the attention, pose for a few pictures, and head upstairs to see what's up there. We find this empty room with a shit ton of cosplayers in it hanging out, so we decide to do the same. This is when I met a group of 3 people. A random girl with a Pikachu hat which for the sake of anything we'll call her Pika, some random friend of hers named Myla, and this creepy little girl that I'm going to call Lacee.

Lacee was the girl that scared me. On first glance, she appeared to be cosplaying L from Death Note, but I'm not entirely sure. She was running around bare foot and had the tell tale jeans and white shirt, but she was wearing glasses and had what appeared to be a doily attached to her greasy black hair. I have no freaking clue. She was really little, but had some seriously bad vibes. And when her eyes landed on me, I just hear her scream to Myla and Pika, "OH MY EXORCISTS, IT'S THE REAL LIVE ALLEN WALKER DESU!!! HE'S SO KAWAIII!!!!!!!!!!"

Now, I am not the best Allen Walker nor do I pretend to be. I was wearing his casual wear which is boots, a long sleeve shirt, vest, ribbon, his usual outfit. The one cool thing I liked was that my eyes change color depending on what I am wearing, so they turned a beautiful silver, which happens to be Allen's eye color. Which is awesome. But not in this case. She ran up to me, grabbed me by the shoulders, and just stared into my eyes. Now, I understand that she liked my cosplay, and I love it that she did, but that's no reason to grab me and manhandle me.

So, Myla and Pika came over and got Lacee to let go of me. They explained they were huge fans of the series and they've never seen an Allen Walker that looked as cute as me. I thanked them for the compliments and decided to walk away, mainly because Lacee was being creepy and kept trying to grab me. I had tons of fun at this convention, and went to a few panels, and came back to the empty room to eat my lunch.

Lacee and gang were there. They were playing poker and asked me if they could get a couple of shots playing poker, because that's Allen's thing. Sure, why not. So, I play some poker with them, and Lacee starts to get all over me. She pretty much moved and sat on my lap. At this point, I had no idea what to do and just kind of let her sit there. BIG MISTAKE. She started petting my hair, and every time I tried to move my head away, she'd pull it back to look at her. She kept calling me Allen-kun and started asking me questions about the series, and asking me if I wanted to be her boyfriend, and pretty much treating me like I'm the real Allen. I freak out, and stand up, and point blank tell her Allen isn't real, and I'm a girl. I did not want to be her boyfriend, and even though I am attracted to girls, I was not attracted to her. She starts yelling about me being a baka, that Allen wouldn't be that mean to girls, and runs off crying.

I feel really bad because she looks young, and I didn't want to hurt her feelings. Who knows, she might have had mental problems and she wasn't to blame for her behavior. So, I vowed to myself that if I saw her again, I would apologize. I left to go meet up with Verity, Stefcia, and Tawny, as we were entering the cosplay contest. Apparently, Myla and Pika heard about it and came backstage and confronted me about it. I felt bad, so I apologized to them, and promised to apologize to Lacee as well.

After the cosplay contest, I finally see her coming out of a panel room and I pull her to the side. I apologized for the way that I blew up at her, and explained that I wasn't that comfortable with people that I just met sitting on me, and touching me, and saying uncomfortable things to me. She said "Awww, such a perfect little gentlemen, Allen-kun! I forgive you!". Greaattt, we're back to this again...she says she wants me to meet a friend of hers, she's a huge Allen fangirl. She apparently liked my performance in the cosplay contest and wanted a picture. So, I agreed to let Lacee take me to meet her friend.

I have never been more scared in my life.  She brought me into this empty room with this 20 something year old chick that looked like she was cosplaying Deidara. This girl immediately glomped me, scaring the shit out of me, and started ranting and raving about me being the cutest little Allen and the perfect pedo bait. Lacee came over and started hugging me as well, and wouldn't let go. I was getting a little freaked out and started making excuses that I needed to go meet up with my friends, so we needed to hurry up and take the picture this girl wanted.

They got pissed. Lacee started screaming about how I was theirs, and I was going to be their boyfriend. Deidara girl slapped me in the face and started saying about how I must be trying to go to that "bitch cunt Lenalee". Deidara girl pretty much pushed me to the ground and sat on me to keep me pinned there. I was legitimately scared and started screaming for help. Lacee covered my mouth with her hand, and Deidara girl started ripping my vest and shirt open, saying something about "showing who Allen belongs to" After hearing this, I started struggling tons and screaming even louder, and bit Lacee's hand, which got a punch in the face in return. I managed to kick Deidara girl off of me, and somehow got around Lacee and ran out of the room. Verity and Stefcia were looking for me, and I ran into them, and told them everything.

They freaked after seeing my ripped shirt and bruised face, and we immediately went to con security. I was crying and scared out of my mind that these girls were going to find me. Con security couldn't find girls that matched that description, so they probably high tailed it outta there. Pika and Myla heard what happened, and they came and apologized, telling me they had no idea Lacee was going to react like that.

In conclusion, don't be like me, the stupid idiot, who almost got raped by 2 psychopath fangirls because you felt bad for hurting their feelings. I now have a fear of being alone, because these two girls took their crazy love of Allen, way too far.

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