Pikachu Uses Repel

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Alright then, here's my weeaboo story. Now, I enjoy anime and manga, to an extent. I'm not obsessed. Well, this year was my second time going to an anime con in a nearby city. I love going, and it's always very fun. I also decided to try cosplaying this year, something simple. I sewed up a Pikachu costume, and for someone as young as myself it was pretty good.

Everything was going well the first two days, no runs ins or anything. Sunday was a different story all together. An extremely sad group of Eeveelutions had come to the con, all of their cosplays... less than good. Now, the two girls I was with were also in Pokemon outfits, so we decided to talk to them. Our costumes were considerably better made than theirs, some just having paper ears, but we didn't say anything. I decided to associate mainly with the only girl of the group, who was pretty cute. She was an Umbreon.. well, sort of. She was covered in Hetalia, Black Butler and other unknown anime pins. She was really fun at first, but then started to get a little weird. Now, I have a fairly small frame, being a thirteen year old boy. Her, she was rather tall and curvy, so it was really awkward when she came up behind me and hugged me, the back of my head going into her boobs. I didn't mind so much. Big mistake, because it just elevated from there.

This girl, we'll call her Umbreon from here, started getting a little more..touchy feely after that. She would shout out 'Pika-chan!' Whenever we ran into each other during that day. Outside, she decided to glomp me. It hurt like hell, and broke the wiring in my tail. I sort of tried to avoid her from there.

My small group and I were in the Artists Alley when the next 'attack' happened. She saw me browsing by and artists table, and decided it'd be funny to use shadow ball, or something on me, by throwing her backpack at my head. When it hit me, I knocked over an artists banner, and she got kicked out of the Artists Alley for the rest of the con, due to some of the stuff being damaged. I of course had to pay for some of it. Now, the final straw was during Battle Chess, if any of you have heard of it. I had been chosen to compete, along with her group on the opposing team. I was eliminated early, and she was too. Sitting on the sidelines, Umbreon said she wanted to play her own version of battle chess, and I decided to humor her. Nothing had happened since she said that, until we were in the cafeteria. I was eating once more with my group when we heard "SURPRISE BATTLECHESS ATTACK MODE GO!" And an Ice Cap was tossed on my back.

It smelt like shit, and my cosplay was ruined. She was banned from the con for disorderly conduct, and I heard when she was banned, she ripped up some of her groups paper ears and tails. I've never used Umbreon in a game again.

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