Weeaboo visits Japan

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Okay so like many Weeaboo stories I have another one, I seriously thought I was done with these people but I guess not.

Please excuse my language and some of the mispelled words and sorry if it's long.

So I had just recently come back from Tokyo and other prefectures with a group of my friends. (I live in Okinawa, Japan)

So hitting up Tokyo much to my protests, it's a pretty nice city but in my opinion it's not one of my fav places to go see in Japan. First days in Tokyo are fine, go to Osaka and that's where shit goes down FAST.

We're at the Universal Studios just wandering around and going on rides when I see these two particular girls who scream "I'M A WEEABOO AND PROUD, WUT." greasy hair, acne, poor lolita outfits that looks 4 sizes too small on them and how they caught my attention was how they were screaming and fangirling saying the stereotypical weeaboo phrases "SUGOII DESU NEEEE! KAWAI NEEE! BAKA-GAIJIN!" Now me knowing what a weeaboo was started laughing and wanting to stay away from these two teens who looked no older then 14 or 15.

All of my friends noticed and asked me what they were, not who they were but what they were. lol had to laugh at that but that's when the two weeaboos spot me and come barreling towards me while I'm being mortified by the ripples of flab that are bouncing. I felt bad for some of the Japanese that had to see that, (there's not much obese people in japan so it's kinda a rarity to see a hambeast weeaboo here).

Not reacting fast the first Weeaboo whom we'll call A-san barges into all of our personal spaces breathing in our faces with her horrid and disgusting breath. I'd like to point this out now that I'm the only one in the group that had normal looking hair, just auburn. The rest of my friends had brightly colored hair like the anime's do as a joke after we all graduated. No wonder the weeaboos came tumbling towards us thinking we were all anime freaks like them both.

Now my group and I do like anime but on a moderate level like regular anime fans. A-san grabs ahold of my friend Mike who's pretty tall, lean, blue eyes, short white hair, looks like any shojo anime dude. Well this chick immediately latches onto him while the other one B-san starts chatting away with my friends touching Jessica's hair that's red and tied up saying she looked like Kushina.

Feeling glad I wasn't being harassed I just stand there watching if anything's going to escalate and yeah it does. A-san starts groping Mike who becomes uncomfortable with her touches and mouths to me for help. Coming over I ask A-san politely to back off and this is what happened. Her face scrunches up into this ugly scowl as she spats broken Japanese to me.

I'm Japanese so I only understood words like "baka" and other stupid words that made me smile or smirk. Either way she was clearly pissed that I had interrupted her "kawaii-moment" with Mike who wanted nothing but to get away from this chick.

Not wanting to make a scene I brush it off and turn away while taking Mike with me back to Jess and the rest of the group who were all chatting with the normal weeaboo who seemed pretty friendly and not crazy like A-san. After saying good bye.A-san makes up this whole story shit saying how they had no where to go and that their parents had left them. My friends being nice pitied her and told her she could join us while we went to a restaurant in Namba.

Feeling a little peeved that A-san was tagging along with us and pissing me off I brushed it off and stayed as far away from her while talking a little bit to B-san who seemed a little better but still had her weeaboo side to her.

Arriving at a Izakaya we all sit down and order whatever we want till A-san looks at the menu and throws it on the floor while shocking all of my friends. "THIS IS NOT AUTHENTIC! I WANNA EAT AT A REAL JAPANESE RESTURAUNT! I DON'T WANT THIS SHIT!" Feeling embarrassed I apologize to the waiters who all looked at us with that "oh you're American" kinda look. We all tell her she's in Japan so this is as authentic as it's going to get while she makes remarks on the American food saying how communist they are and that western culture sucks.

Trying to ignore her we all order our food and eat casually talking until yet again A-san does another stupid thing. These group of 20 year old guys or so that's what it looked like come walking in and A-san stops chewing her food and just gapes at the guys who sit down at the booth across from us like their all animals.

Feeling embarrassed and pissed and politely tell her to stop staring which she snaps at me dropping some food from her mouth saying "SHUT UP BITCH. IT'S NOT LIKE YOU CAN GET ANYONE." Having her say this to me I was quite offended while Mike tries to speak up for me and A-san scoffs and turns away while giving me a nasty glare. I guess the group across from us noticed us and thought all of my friend's hair colors looked cool and we all started talking to them.

I noticed A-san was sending suggestive winks and kisses to some of the guys who merely laughed. One of the guys talks to me, cute he was and I guess that pissed off A-san to no end because my arm is reeled back and I'm sent flying to the ground in a mess with some water spilling onto my jeans. I had a "wtf" moment as I blinked while my friend's freaked out and the guy started helping me up, apologizing.

After the whole incident we all had to finish our food and leave and at the cashier A-san makes up this whole excuse saying she has no money and her parents suck. So Lizz,who had aqua blue short hair, takes sympathy on her and offers to pay her share while I'm flipping out and shaking my head. A-san quickly thanks her and thinks they are the best of the friends because Lizz only felt bad for the poor girl. Walking out of the restaurant we start touring around while I'm being pushed off of the side walk by A-san who clearly wants me out of the group. Now I'm not a jealous type but when some stranger weeaboo starts treating me like shit and is being all buddy buddy with my friends who wouldn't be mad?

Well it didn't stop there. Walking around in the hot sun we find a Starbucks because my friend made the excuse "I need caffeine to charge me up." So going to Starbucks, we walk in, order drinks, and sit down while waiting. I'm trying to hold all of my curses in my head towards A-san not wanting to make a scene when she shoves me off of a chair next to Mike, who seemed annoyed and uncomfortable, while she chatted away with him and asked him personal subjects.

Walking away, I come back with all of the orders and hand one to A-san who snatches the drink from me sneering saying, "I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP BITCH." Being offended again I walk away and head towards the bath room while my friends and B-san ask A-san what's her problem to which she replies with "WHAT? SHE'S A BITCH." while shrugging and sipping her drink. After that, we all wanted to ditch A-san and I felt bad for B-san that she had to put up with this chicks bull shit.

At the end of the day we're all pretty tired and I'm pissed having to deal with A-san's attitude towards me all day. So we're walking the bridge that faces the famous Glico sign (google it up) we all decide to go back to our hotel before A-san throws a fit stomping and whining. Me having enough snap at her and I ask her that we're all tired and that she needs to go find her parents and leaves us alone. B-san apologizes and tries taking A-san with her back to where ever the hell their parents are before A-san lunges forward at me making me yelp in fear.

I called Mike my savior after that moment because he went all street fighter and kicked the hambeast off of me in the gut yelling at her while she tumbled on the ground crying and having Japanese stare at us. All of my friends told her off and B-san apologized many times while crying to which I brushed it off and said it was okay. Over all that one day put me off but the trip was good and I never heard or saw of A-san ever again.

Thanks goodness >.>

Even if it was only a week ago I still shake my head at the event and wonder why weeaboos have to ruin a person's fun. I seriously thought I was done and these weeaboos wouldn't come to Japan but boy was I wrong.

I don't mind otaku's or regular anime fans coming over to Japan, but when a weeaboo insults you and thinks that your country is all anime glory and every Japanese listens to Vocaloid or bashes your culture then you're not very welcomed.

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