Her "Kawaii-Chan"

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Goku: Weeb

H: Me

So I have a weeb story that is has become a middle school choir legend. My weeb story starts when I was 11 years old. I had discovered Hatsune Miku one night, and I barreled into a mild weeb stage. I liked anime and mangas (I actually LOVED mangas), had been drawing anime style since I was 9, was fascinated by the language, and loved the culture and fashion. I’ve always liked cute things, and that was one of the main elements that drew me into becoming a weeb. I was very hygienic and polite. I kept to myself about anime, and have always had exaggerated movements (This is important, I promise) . I was a petite (5 foot and 93 lbs) girl when the horror story begins. On my first day of school, I headed into the choir room and sat down. I knew a few girls from the year previous, and knew some from my church, so I sat near them. We did typical first day introduction games, and when I was asked if there was something unique about me. I thought for a moment and then replied that I could speak Japanese. This interested people, and I was asked to say something. I politely introduced myself and asked how they were doing. This proved to them that I could indeed speak Japanese. A larger girl in the risers interrupts me as I explain to them what I had said. I’m going to call her Goku, as this was her favorite character. Goku interjects that she too can speak Japanese, but doesn’t want to speak any right now. I made a mental note of this, and a few days later, I went to talk to her. I asked if she could truly speak Japanese, and when she replied that she had learned from anime, we struck up a conversation about anime, manga, and vocaloid. Goku also loved all of these things, and we became fast friends.

Goku would always hug me whenever she would see me. At first, I thought this was sweet. About a month later, she discovered glomping. Then came the insanely tight hugs, where she would pick me up off of the ground and swing me around a few times.

In the month that I started being wary of her (pre-glomping), I invited her to a party for my church. Now, my little brother’s birthday party was the next day, so I told her that she could NOT spend the night. We would be out at the party until 12:00 A.M. and it would be very late when we brought her home. She asked me multiple times whether or not she could stay. Each time, I replied ‘No’. Well, we drove to her house, and her Mom greets us. She smiles at my mom and sweetly says ‘I hear our daughters have planned a sleepover.’ My mom is surprised at this and I lie and say ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t discuss it with you.’ My mom understands and replies that she was happy to have Goku over for the night. Goku walks down the stairs and then starts looking for someone/thing. I ask her what she’s looking for, and she replies that her father was supposed to be sitting on the couch to greet us, while petting her cat (like a villan). I ignore this and we walk to the car. I’m embarrassed and annoyed that she has invited herself over. When we’ve been in the car for a few minutes, her sister calls. Goku jabbers away to her, and she says something that catches us off guard. “Is mom still mad about the vodka?”

We drive to the church, and Goku gets really clingy. She drags me away from my friends and wants to talk about animes. Now, I like to watch magical girl type animes, Goku preferred to watch DBZ, Naruto, and Full Metal Alchemist (she wore a dog tag with the symbol on it daily). She told me how dumb my shows were and how I needed to watch her shows. I told her that I was uninterested and we changed the topic to friends. She showed me pictures of her ex boyfriends (several in a row) and she shows me a picture with several people in it. She points to the first two people, which she explains are her ex-boyfriends. She points to a girl and says “this is my ex-” and then finishes “best friend” I replied that I thought she was going say ex-girlfriend. She shrugs it off and replies “I’ve liked girls before.” I was taken aback by this, as she was the first LGBTQ person I had ever met. I laughed it off and we continued with the night.

Midnight rolls around and I start to feel sick. I tell my mom, and we leave early. We get into the car and my mom asks Goku if she would like to call her mom to tell her we’d take her home. Goku replies that she just COULDN’T go home, she’d be too worried about H-chan. I’m really to sick to care, but my mom found this really creepy. We go home, and I end up sleeping on my parents floor with a bowl next to me. Goku is in my room, which is

A: Really Messy


B: Across the house

My mom goes in to tell her where the bathroom is, where she can find the towels, and where to find my parents.k My mom tells her ‘sleep well’ and she replies “oh I don’t sleep.” My mom is mildly creeped out by this and goes back to her room. About 3:00 my mom goes in to check on her, because she feels uneasy. When she looks in my room, Goku is going through my drawers and looking in my closet. My mom goes back to her room and somehow manages to get to sleep.

The next day, we had to BEG her to leave. She cried and begged to stay/have me over. Needless to say, neither happened.

Goku would always talk about anime in class and hog my attention. I wasn’t allowed to talk to anybody and she demanded that I tell her all my mangas and animes that I was watching/reading. She would scream about how ‘kawaii’ I was and how I acted/looked just like an anime character. Her favorite nickname for me was her ‘kawaii-chan’. She would talk about how I should cosplay this or cosplay that, and tried to speak to me in mangled Japanese. She would steal my phone and go through it, and spam me with stalkerish text messages. She would ask me about my fetishes and other sexual interests, and it eventually got me to tell our teacher. My teacher agreed that it was creepy and she was kicked out of choir (not for harassing me, but for not doing her work). The last we had heard from her, she dated a really ‘hot guy’ (he had awesome eyes {I’m asexual so idk if someone is hot or not}) and then dumped him for a girl. She starts a rumor that she had a huge crush on me, but I was so homophobic that I bashed her sexuality and was really mean to her.(Btw I’m not homophobic)

Summary: Weeb invites herself to my house, searches through my stuff, and becomes really obsessive.

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