A wild weeabo stalked his prey...

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Strap in folks, this is a long one.

So, this happens to be more of a story of a stalker that happened to be a weeabo than anything else, but his weeaboness does play a huge role in everything.

So, warnings I suppose?

Mentions of rape, pedophilia, abuse and all kinds of other things of that nature.


Me: Just call me Jasmine because honestly, I don't particularly care if this creep finds me again.

Stalker Weeb: Alex

So, we all know online relationships are a thing right? And someone can mentally fuck you up despite the distance, right? Right, kay cool cause that's important to keep in mind.

So, for the sake of leaving out the gritty details, I'll give a very quick (but detailed) version of my relationship with Alex so you all can understand exactly what this dude was. A complete freaking pedophile and abusive dick.

We met through a pokemon page I used to admin waaay back in the day. He and I had talked a couple times in the comments of photos I had posted, but nothing weird happened then, so when he messaged the page and asked to add me, I shrugged and said cool. He wasn't too weird at first, just a bit clingy but I didn't particularly mind considering I've had clingy friends in the past. Eventually, we found we had a mutual interest in each other (more so on his side however) and started dating.

Now, lets fast forward a couple months, shall we?

About a year into the relationship, this guy had completely fucked me up. I had to leave the pokemon page I was admining because he stirred up so much drama and shit, lost all my friends I'd made through the page (granted, we weren't particularly close, but I was still nice to talk to some cool people with similar interests online, ya know?), tried to cut me off from all my real life friends by isolating me, and had me so emotionally damaged by constantly dragging me along, insulting me, calling me names and forcing all my friends away until I was dependent on him.

I would go into more details about the relationship (just to prove to you how fucked up it was), but, that's not important to the weeaboness of this dude.

Remember how Alex and I met through a pokemon page? Okay, well, apparently all this dude did was sit on his ass and play pokemon or watch anime. He was fucking obsessed with Naruto, like, constantly watching, constantly talking and complaining about how I should watch it. He would say shit like how he and I were destined to be together like Hinata and Naruto or some shit. He would even send horribly traced images of Naruto screenshots and boast about how proud he was about it and then when I showed him any of my art (and granted, I'm still attempting to find an art style now, at 19) he would scoff and complain about how my style wasn't anime enough. (I lean more toward a cartoonish style, and again, I was still only really starting out drawing seriously, so it wasn't as though I was showing masterpieces, but still.)

And while I've never had anything against Naruto, I just couldn't get into it and when I mentioned this he would blow the fuck up and scream at me for not liking it. It was fucking insane and honestly, it's made me wary of any fans of Naruto since then.

As well, he completely ruined pokemon for me for quite some time (though, I'm slowly getting over it). He always sent me pokemon fanart constantly (again, horribly traced) or screen shots of memes about pokemon and I was getting sick of it. He would even send me pokemon porn which I had asked several times not to do but he refused to listen and would often spam me with it. And on the pokemon page, my name was Butterfree (if anyone happened to like that page and remembers me, hi ^^). So, he would name any Butterfree he caught in any games Jasmine and would try and use that as a romantic gesture for some reason? Like...okay thanks you named your virtual bug after me...cool I guess?

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