Hurricane Weeablitist

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Note: VERY long.

Weeablitist: Weeaboo + Elitist

Elitists are often absolute asswipes. Weeaboos on the extreme side of the scale are a pain in the ass. Blend the two together and you have one of the most nightmarish combinations that an Anime Club could possibly face. My friends and I have given this series of events many names, but one that probably sticks the most of Hurricane Weeablitist.

It all started at the beginning of the year at the Student Activities Fair my school puts on. It is one of the greatest opportunities for clubs to do recruitment and get their names out there. This is my second year as the president of my school’s Anime Club so I was the main person people talked to about the club and signing up for it. We had the table armed with rice balls, two posters that friends painstakingly constructed, and a computer playing episodes of random animes. All was going fine and dandy until Weeablitist showed up. He stared at the poster in a scrutinizing manner and didn’t appear to be very chatty. Thinking he was just shy, I approached him and asked if he wanted to know more about the club. The second he opened his mouth I knew I didn’t like him. In response to my question he stated, in one of the stuffiest ways I have ever heard, that there were images of shows that weren’t anime on the posters (Teen Titans, The Last Airbender, etc.). I explained that the club includes animated shows because they overlap with each other and that the club has been expanding to be more inclusive in terms of international shows and fandom related things. He then proceeded to state in that same stuffy tone that “The Webster’s Dictionary definition of anime was animated shows from Japan and written by Japanese writers”. I was initially flabbergasted, unfortunately giving him the opening to go on a rant about how this wasn’t a real Anime Club. When I finally snapped out of my shock I asked if he wanted to sign up or not. MISTAKE #1: I let him sign up for the club.

Fast forward to the first official club meeting of the year. The great thing was that we had one of our biggest turnouts ever: 30 people! We were going around doing typical ice breaker stuff by introducing ourselves to the rest of the club. The chain finally gets to Weeablitist and he looks to me and asks, in broken Japanese, if he should introduce himself in Japanese. Now, I know a tiny bit Japanese from when my parents urged me to learn (so we could go skiing in Japan at some point in time), but I’m even conversational in the language. I just stared at him like a deer in the headlights before asking him to translate. When he did I told him to do it in English. He appeared annoyed with that, but complied. Later that meeting we were watching a Miyazaki movie. Now, in the club, it’s common for people to hold quiet conversations or make commentary on the show during its screening; it’s sort of an established culture in the club to do such. Throughout the screening, Weeablitist frequently and loudly sushed other members of the club- even if they were on the other side of the room. Eventually he got fed up with it and, in one of the most distractive manners I had ever witnessed, climbed over tables and chairs to get to me and demand I silence the club. I asked the rest of the club to settle down and then explained that this is rather common in the club. He returned to his seat… and continued to sush people the rest of the night. At the end of the meeting, he approached me and asked me how long I had liked anime. I said roughly 8 or 9 years, to which he glared at me and said that he had been “Pro-Japanese” for 15 years, so he should have more say in what goes on in the club. I immediately corrected him and stated that only officers have that power and in order to be an officer you have to be voted on. Another glare was thrown at me before he left.

A repeat of this happened at the next movie and I was soon getting a flood of complaints that he was being extremely disruptive during screenings, disrespectful when the club was free to converse, and that he was harassing people outside of club during the week. Now this constituted a sit down with him to discuss his behavior. The day before this meeting with him, he sent me an email in Japanese. I enlisted the help of a translator and one of my friends, who happens to be Japanese, whom I later found out that was being racially profiled by Weeablitist. After getting translations from both, we concluded that he had written up a rant, threw it through a translator, and then copy-pasted it into an email to me. The contents of the email were stating that I was an incompetent president and that he should be president because he was “more Pro-Japanese and Otaku” than I was. This angered me, but I didn’t respond to it. Instead, I had the planned sit down with him and two of my other officers to discuss the issues going on in club. Now when one of these sit downs happen, paperwork gets involved so that it can be proven that this actually happened.

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