The Story of a Psychotic Cosplayer/Friend

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This is going to be tldr, but oh my god this girl and her family were psychos. My friend America and I were nearly kept as hostage!

Okay. So I have a long story to tell about this self-centered hypocrite, named Vanessa. She's 18, but she acts like a child. We used to be close friends, so for my birthday she bought me a 4-day badge to SDCC, which I thought was pretty nice of her to do because I wasn't even going to go in the first place. Well, I decided to sleep over her house over the con weekend because I thought it would be the right thing to do since she bought me the badge.

Then, not even 5 days before Comic Con, she decides she wants me to make 3 cosplays for her. Stupid me, being the nice person I am try my best to complete them despite my process on my other cosplays. So, the day of the con comes and I only half completed 2 cosplays(because I'm a beginner at sewing), in which her grandma helped me finish the rest 'cause they were like poodle skirts kind of. We had fun that day at the con, hanging out with each other so I thought everything would be just fine!

Day 2 of Comic con. She cosplays Amu from Shugo Chara and hangs out me and our cosplay friend, whom I will call Meiko. Vanessa, Meiko, and I attended the Homestuck gathering, while my America attends the Hetalia gathering. We chilled out a bit and got bored, so we decided to meet back up with America so we can all be together again. We were all planning to go to dealers hall, so I was just in the middle so I don't leave anyone out. As we were walking, Vanessa stops and tells me & America that she's going to off with Meiko somewhere else. I tell Vanessa okay and if she needed anything to just call me as we depart. So here I am hanging out with America and little America, until hours later we meet up with Vanessa again.

End of the day, and we all separate except for America, Vanessa and I, and we take the trolley as we are making plans for tomorrow. We had everything planned and stuff, until late at night Vanessa decided she wanted to cosplay Hungary for Day 3 of Comic Con. I try to explain to her that it takes a long time to make such a complex dress that that and it would take a lot more than one night. She then throws a fit on how she HAS to cosplay Hungary and if it isn't done then she just won't go to comic con any more. I suggested to her to cosplay the character she cosplayed on Thursday or she could use my blue wig to cosplay Tumblr for that day instead so we can have more time to work on Hungary. She still wouldn't listen and threw a huge fit about it.

Next morning, day 3 of comic con. America meets us at Vanessa's house so we can be ready to leave. Guess who still isn't ready? Vanessa. She's just sitting there and pouting about how she can't get her way. America and I mention to her how we were supposed to go early like we planned so we could catch the panel we wanted to go see, but Vanessa gives us the face like she doesn't even care. We then just said we'll just take the trolley and if she wanted to come to Comic Con, we'll come back to pick Vanessa up because her grandma doesn't want her to be alone in the trolley(which is understandable). America and I then leave and go off to have fun at comic con.

I then text Vanessa asking her if she's still going to Comic Con because I got a bit worried about her. She then proceeds to text me "You ditched me! My grandma said give me the badges when you get here so i can give to my cousin if you guys are gunna be mean". OKAY. This girl /needs/ to calm down because we offered many options for her to take, and it's my badge now with my own name on it, so she can't just take it away, right? It's ridiculous. After America and I are done with Comic Con, we go back to Vanessa's house to get all my stuff so I can just spend the night at America's house for the last day.


America and I walk into her house and get my bags, and her whole family is just there yelling at us about this whole bs story Vanessa made up of me always ignoring her for America, which was a lie. I try to explain what really happened, but her grandma would not shut up and kept tuning me out telling me that I was a liar and manipulative. Errrr, excuse me? I have no idea what you're talking about. I refuse to give back the badges because it's obviously my badge now because she gave it to me as a gift.

Her grandma then tells us that we can't leave her house until we give back the badges, as her older brother blocks the door from us exiting. Vanessa then tells me "I'm going to fucking punch you!" Worried about it, America calls her parents because Vanessa's family was just being plain psychotic and it honestly scared me and America. Her grandma then tells us to just leave and she'll revoke out badges, so as I reach over to open the door to leave, Vanessa pushes me off against the door. As much as I wanted to push back, I didn't because I knew I was more mature than that. Her brother then drags her away from the door as America and I take our leave to get picked up, and Vanessa shouts out like a crazy woman "I hate you! Go die you fucking whore! I never want to see you here again!"

I didn't even bother to respond and just left.

I get on Facebook when I get to America's house to block her, but right before I do so she instant messages me "THEIF GO DIE YOU WHORE!". I just said "lol kay :)" and blocked her immediately because I didn't want anything to do with her anymore.

Sorry about the long story. I just had to say this because that was the most terrifying and frustrating moment ever when we were literately locked in her house.
This all happened just because she wanted to cosplay Hungary from hetalia, but couldn't get her way.

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