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Suga - I really am soooooooo fucking done

Kawa - What's up babe? Is it Daichi again?

Suga - What else would it be?

Kawa - Is he with her again?

Suga - Yep ☹ it isn't her fault though and he has no idea that I have feelings for him, so really I'm bringing this upon my self. How's things going with Iwaizumi?

Kawa - He's out with his new bestie, Sakusa. I fucking hate them both. I've been torturing myself with his live feed, they're having so much fun.

Suga - Do you mind if I add someone?

Kawa - No go ahead, let's share the misery

Suga added Kiyoko

Kiyoko - Hey Suga what's up?

Suga - As you can see, we need help....

Kiyoko - So you're simping after Daichi and Oikawa is, let me guess, pining for his ace....

Kawa - Is it that obvious?

Kiyoko - Yeah and I don't know how anyone could be as oblivious as they are, they're soooo dumb.

Kawa - 😭😭 I know. Can you help?

Kiyoko - Is it just you two or are there others?

Suga - Oh, there are quite a few. We aren't the only sad fucker's

Kiyoko - Add them

Suga added Akaashi, Kenma, Hinata, Noya and Yamaguchi

Oikawa added Makki, Atsumu, Suna and Tendou

Atsumu - Hey bitches, what's up?

Oikawa - Kiyoko thinks that she can help us with our little problem

Tendou - Is it okay if I add someone else?

Kenma - Could I add someone too?

Kiyoko - Go for it.....

Tendou added Shirabu

Kenma added Yaku

Yaku - What's with the group chat and why have I been added?

Suga - Kiyoko thinks she can help with our little problem

Yaku - I don't have a little problem 😒

Kenma - I agree, it's a big fucking problem, it's a 194.3 cm tall, to be precise, problem 🙃

Kiyoko - To start with, I need to change your names, they're sooo boring

Kiyoko changed to Boss Bitch

Suga changed to Angel Bitch

Kawa changed to Queen bitch

Akaashi changed to Model bitch

Kenma changed to Gamer bitch

Noya changed to Energetic bitch

Hinata changed to Sunshine bitch

Yamaguchi changed to Cute bitch

Yaku changed to Demon bitch

Makki changed to Meme bitch

Atsumu changed to Twin bitch

Suna changed to Chilled bitch

Tendou changed to Guess Monster bitch

Shirabu changed to Sarcastic bitch.

Boss - Okay I need you all to tell me why you need my help, go Suga!!!!

Angel - Daichi is ignoring me and spending all of his spare time with either Yui, Asahi or both. I'm actually beginning to think that he is in fact straight 😭😭😭😭😭😭

Queen - Iwa chan is meant to be my bestie but the only time I get to speak to or see him is when we're at school or have practise. He's always with Matsun, Sakusa and even Kageyama, WTAF is that about? I want him sooooo bad 😭😭

Model - Bokuto san is always busy with Kuroo lately and they've been spending a lot of time with Alisa and her friends. It's pissing me off 😠😠😠🤬

Gamer - Me too, but at least I get to spend some time with Akaashi

Energetic - Asahi doesn't notice me at all other than as his libero. 😢

Meme - To be fair, I thought that you were straight and into your manager 🤷‍♂️

Energetic - I mean, I'm gay not blind, she's gorgeous

All - Agree

Sunshine - Kageyama doesn't even practise with me, he's always with the cooler, older guys and I'm sick of hearing about how amazing Iwaizumi san is 😡😡😡

Queen - Never mind chibi chan we can ignore them together 😘

Sunshine - Yes, great king let's do that 🤗

Cute - Tsuki is always with Kuroo, Bokuto and Lev. I've lost my best friend 😭😭😭😭😭

Angel - It's okay baby, we're your new best friends. Fuck him.

Cute - 😳😳😳😳

Demon - Same as Yams really. It's irritating me that I'm letting that idiot even bother me. He's an airhead.

Meme - Matsun's always with his 'bro's', they're all idiots

Twin - I don't see much of Omi anyhow but that's even less now that he's found his soulmate

Queen - WTAF. Is that what they're calling each other now? They've got a fucking nerve. I think that we should start spending more time together Atsu ❤

Twin - Yes bitch 👊

Chilled - I really don't care, it gives me more time to sleep 😴

Twin - Yes you do, although why Osamu hangs around with Omi I'll never know.

Chilled - Apparently he gets on well with Iwaizumi and Kageyama. It would be nice to spend some time with him occasionally though.

Twin - It must be bad if it's affecting you. Why don't you hang with me and Kawa and some of the others?

Chilled - Ok 🙄

Guess Monster - Ushi hangs out with Semi most of the time. It does get really lonely 😢

Angel - Aw babe, don't be upset. We'll all begin to hang out together and ignore them.

Guess Monster - That would be nice but Ushi wouldn't notice me. He has a huge crush on Kawa.

Queen - Tendou, I only have eyes for Iwa chan and if I didn't I would never try and steal a friends man. From now on we all look after each other, they'll soon realise what they've lost out on.

Guess Monster - I don't blame you Kawa and I agree, lets have each others backs

Sarcastic - Semi hates me. I stole his position on the team so I don't blame him.

Boss - Okay, I have an idea but you all have to play along and do anything that I tell you to do without question. Okay?

All - Yes

Boss - Let Operation get your manz begin......

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