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Tsuki regretted so many of his life choices but none so much as being talked into kissing Kuroo. Both boys were susceptible to any idea that may help them both feel better than they were at the time.

Back skip - One month before

The blonde had no idea as to why he had agreed to meeting up with the dumb duo, Kuroo and Bokuto, but after the last training camp he had to admit that they had taught him a few things. The only saving grace was that Akaashi would be there too and everyone he knew respected the quiet dark haired boy, I mean how could you not, he dealt with Bokuto on a daily basis and still managed to remain sane.

After playing 2 on 2 for a while the group decided to have a break. "How's things going with Kenma?" Akaashi asked. "Same as usual, he doesn't even acknowledge that I'm around but yet when Hinata comes to hang out he doesn't even look at his phone. I'm seriously beginning to think that he doesn't even think of me as a friend anymore, I'm just an inconvenience" the normally confident boy sighs sadly.

The mood begins to plummet until Bokuto asks, "Hey Tsuki". "Don't call me that" the blonde says glaring at him. "Sorry. Do you have your eye on anyone?" Akaashi tries to pretend that he isn't listening, but he is. He needs to gather any information that he can to share with his other friends.

"No, I don't like anyone" the bespectacled boy answers. "What about your pinch server? The cute guy with freckles" Kuroo asked. "He's straight and I'm pretty sure that he has a crush on Yachi. They spend alot of time together", even though I wish they didn't. He thinks to himself.

"Wait" Boukto interrupts, "didn't you tell me that one of the Captains has a thing for him?" he asks Kuroo. "Who?" Tsuki asked looking a little annoyed. "Oh yeah it's Terushima" Kuroo grinned noticing the effect that this line of conversation was having on the Karasuno player. "He has it bad. He doesn't stop talking about 'Freckles' all the way through the Captains meetings." "Even if Yams was into boys he wouldn't be into him, the guys a fuck boy, everyone knows." Tsuki growled.

"Hey Kaashi, do you know if Yamaguchi is dating anyone?" "Why would I know that Bokuto san?" Akaashi answered trying to not look suspicious. He knew very well that Yamaguchi liked Tsuki and he only spent time with Yachi because he knew that he could talk to her about the blonde and she wouldn't judge him. He also knew that Kenma had feelings for Kuroo but he liked hanging out with Hinata because being around him didn't stress the quiet blonde out like being with his crush did.

Akaashi decided to go home and message Suga and Oikawa about what he had just heard. " Hey, I'm leaving now" Akaashi shouted whilst waving to the three boys. "Bye, Kaashi see you tomorrow" Bokuto screeched whilst wildly throwing his arms in the air. "Oh my God, I don't know how much more of this I can take" Bokuto whined. "Tell him how you feel bro." "Kuroo bro, I can't why would he ever like me? He's gorgeous" the boy sulked. "Yeah, I can't see it either" Tsuki sneered. "Bro don't be mean to Bokuto. Akaashi isn't here and I don't know how to handle his mood swings" Kuroo scolded.

The boys decided that they all felt depressed so agreed that getting very drunk would help them forget about their crushes for just one night. So that's what they did. It wasn't smart, it wasn't clever but they did it.

The following morning was torture, all three had hangovers and for some reason Kuroo's and Bokuto's phones were blowing up. "What the fuck" groaned Tsuki, "turn your damn phones off, they're driving me insane". Bokuto looked at his screen and gasped, "Oh, shit" Kuroo looked at his friend and cried, "Please don't tell me this is true."

Tsuki looked at them both with a confused expression, "what the hell is going on?" Bokuto smiled nervously at them both and answered, "apparently one of my team mates sent a photo to Akaashi of the two of you holding hands and making out. Kaashi is furious"

"Oh hell no" Tsuki screamed, "There's no way I would do that." "Well here's the proof" Bokuto replied showing the blonde the images that had been sent to him."

"Fuck you both" Tsuki shouted whilst stomping out of room. "I think that the shit's about to hit the fan" Bokuto groaned.

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