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Makki missed Matsun almost as much as Kawa missed Iwa, everyone could see it, so Kiyoko decided to put the four old friends together along with the two hot blondes Kise and Takumi. She noticed how Iwaizumi had flinched at the mention of Oikawa's name.

The six boys had been tasked to clear up the old barbeque area, the atmosphere was thick with jealousy as the two new guys fluttered around Makki and Kawa which really irritated Iwa and Matsun.

Kise was fussing around Kawa trying to be attentive but Oikawa only had eyes for Iwaizumi however the spikey haired boy didn't seem to notice that. "Matsun, what am I gonna do? I've treated him so badly and I'm scared that I've lost him forever" Iwa whispered. "I know Iwa" the boy replied maybe we should just give up, at least they look like they're having fun with them, we just make them miserable".

Takumi had happened to hear some of the conversation between the two friends and decided to manipulate the situation, so at the next break time when Kawa and Makki went to the restroom he and Kise would stir up the situation.

The two blondes sat just around the corner from Matsun and Iwa, just so they could be heard but not seen.

"What do you think of Oikawa, Kise?" Takumi asked smirking. "He's absolutely gorgeous but he's lost all of his confidence because of that jerk" Kise answered. Iwa could hear everything and it was pissing him off but the blonde boys just continued. "Have they ever dated or at least kissed?" Takumi asked. "No, nothing like that, they're just friends" Kise answered. "God imagine treating someone you claim to be your best friend like that, it's disgraceful"

Iwa was visibly shaking with rage by now and he didn't know how much longer he could keep quiet. Matsun looked at his friend and he realised that he felt exactly the same way about Makki.

"I'm definitely gonna get to know him better, he deserves to be treated right, not like an irritating after thought. I mean the guys HOT how stupid do you have to be to not want him" Kise continued. That was all Iwa could take as he walked towards the two boys.

"Oi, pretty boy" Iwa shouted going straight for Kise, "I do want him I always have but why would he want me. I'm just an average person and he could have anyone" "Yes he could" the blonde screamed, "he deserves so much better than you" he screeched with a disgusted look on his face, "he needs someone to cherish him, support him. LOVE HIM"

Iwa lost it, "I LOVE HIM, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH IT HURTS.... "Iwa chan" a small voice said and as he turned around he saw Oikawa looking at him with tears rolling down his face. "Y yyou love me?"
The dark haired boy began walking towards the brunette. He stopped in front of the boy and gently grasped his face, whilst softly wiping the tears with his thumbs. "Yes I love you, I love you more than life itself and I'm so sorry I hurt you. If I could take it back I would but all I can do is apologise and promise that I'll never hurt you again. Please be mine Tooru".

Oikawa was sobbing by now, "I love you too Iwa but I don't think that I could take anymore heartache, it hurts too much". Iwa pulled the boy closer and gently kissed him, "I promise that I will take good care of your heart from now on if you'll just give me a chance" the boy pleaded.

Oikawa looked at Makki who smiled back at him and said, "You deserve to be happy Tooru and I've always thought that you and Hajime were soulmates but Iwa, if you hurt him again I will end you". Iwa nodded and smiled.

"Well Tooru, do you think that it's worth giving us a try?" Iwa asked. "Yes, let's do this Hajime" he replied smiling. The boys stood wrapped in each others arms for quite some time and when they pulled away from each other they realised that they were alone and hadn't even noticed the others leave.

Kise x Kiyoko private message

Kise - Mission complete. Oikawa and Iwaizumi are now dating.

Kiyoko - Great, thank you for letting me know

Kise - Was I the first one to complete my mission? 😊

Kiyoko - No Mikey finished first, hours ago

Kise - That sucks, has my boyfriend got any nearer to finishing

Kiyoko - No, sorry nothing yet

Kise - Well at least I beat the fucker

Kiyoko - That's no way to talk about your beloved

Kise - It's a pet name, it's endearing 🥰

Kiyoko - What ev's bitch, you didn't win

Kise - 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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