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Yaku sat quietly watching everyone bustling about and getting to know each other. He wondered how it had all come to this and then he remembered the day that he first met Haiba Lev.

3 months ago -

Nekoma were in the gymn practising for it's up and coming game with their old rivals Karasuno. Just as the team were about to leave the court Coach Nekomata called them together. "Okay boys, we have a new first year joining us at the next practice. He's half Russian and half Japanese, he's just over 194cm but he's never played volleyball before". They all groaned, "noooo, not another newbie" grumbled Yamamoto. The coach looked at them and replied, "his family are very rich and they've offered to buy the team a new bus if we give him a try". The boys rolled their eyes and then left for the evening.

The following day Yaku was a little late for practice as he had to help his teacher with something. As he walked through the gymn door he saw someone running towards him unable to stop. The boy stumbled and fell, also knocking Yaku to the floor. "What the actual fuck" Yaku shouted.

The other boy got up and offered Yaku his hand which he swatted away. Lev bowed in front of the boy, "I'm so sorry Yaku san. I'm Lev". Yaku got to his feet and glared at the boy, "you're gonna need a shit tonne of practice Lev. You're as graceful as a baby giraffe on roller skates". Everyone chuckled, especially Kenma who had taken a dislike to the tall Russian even though the boy hadn't done anything directly to him, he just annoyed Kenma.

Within a few weeks he had begun to improve steadily, thank's to the receiving practice that he had with Yaku, although he thought that Yaku was more like an army drill sargeant than a volleyball player.

Yaku was looking through his social media when he received a text from Suga, who was the Vice Captain of Karasuno.

Suga - Yaku, what's your new players name?

Yaku - It's Haiba Lev, why?

Suga - Is he a model?

Yaku - I doubt it, he's the clumsiest person I've ever met.

Suga - There's some photo's of him on social media and if it is him, he's hot

Yaku - You must be mistaken and believe me he isn't hot.

Suga - Okay, I've got three, so I'll send them all

Suga - Okay, I've got three, so I'll send them all

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Yaku - He does look cute.

Yaku - He does look cute

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Yaku - 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀

Yaku - Damn, I never realised that he was so hawt 🥵🥵

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Yaku - Damn, I never realised that he was so hawt 🥵🥵

Suga - If I were you I'd get him snapped up before someone else does, bye Yaku 🥰

Yaku - See you later Suga ❤

Back to present day -

"Hi" Yaku heard someone say which made him jump, he turned around and saw a slender grey haired boy in front of him who he thought was extremely pretty. "Hi, he responded. "Is it okay, if I sit next to you?" he asked the libero. Yaku thought that the boy looked really nervous so he replied, "yes of course it is. I'm Yaku, by the way". The boy smiled at him softly and sat beside him, "Thank you. I'm Yuki. Which one do you like?" the boy asked. "What do you mean?" Yaku asked. "I've noticed you staring at that group of four boys for quite some time, it's obvious that you like one of them." Yaku blushed profusely and whispered, "it's the gangly grey haired one".

"Hey bro" Kuroo said trying to get lev's attention. The tall Russian looked at his Captain, "yes Kuroo san". "Have you noticed the pretty grey haired boy chatting to Yaku?" Lev looked towards the area where the two boys sat chatting. He couldn't take his eyes off them as he thought that the boy talking to Yaku was possibly as pretty as Akaashi, if that was even possible. "Bro" Kuroo hissed, "stop being creepy, staring at them like that." Lev sighed and turned back to the others, "there's no way that he'd ever like me when he has guys like that approaching him". "Lev" Tsuki said getting the boys attention, "he's just a shorter version of you, you have a chance". The Russian could feel a small smile begin to spread across his face.

"I think he likes you. He hasn't stopped staring at us" Yuki said with a smile. "He was probably looking at you" Yaku responded. "Believe me, he wasn't. I just wish that the girl that I like would look at me like that" the boy said wistfully. "Oh, you're straight?" Yaku asked. "No, I'm bi" he answered. "How long have you liked her for?" Yaku asked. "I only met her a few days ago, she's one of Kiyoko's friends". "Is it Yachi, by any chance" Yaku smirked. "Yes" the boy responded.

Yaku put out his hand but Yuki looked at him confusion apparent on his face. "Let's help each other get our crushes attention" Yaku smiled. Yuki shook his hand and replied, "yeah, let's do this."

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