Chapter 19

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Everywhere that Kageyama looked for Hinata was a bust, he had either never been there or he had just missed him. He was beginning to think that fate was against him but then he rounded the corner and there he was.

Hinata hadn't seen the dark haired boy coming towards him but Yuichiro had. He put his arm around the small boy and pulled him into an embrace. Kageyama stopped dead in his tracks. He was pissed, really pissed, "Oi, what the actual fuck is going on here?" he shouted loudly.

"It's none of your business" Yuichiro replied feeling irritated that he'd asked him the question in the first place. "You're not dating so what is it to you?" " he's my friend" Kageyama shouted back.

Hinata stood up and looked at them both, you could feel the annoyance radiating off him. "Oh, so you finally wanna be friends after ignoring me for weeks. What's up, is Iwaizumi san too busy with his new boyfriend to spend time with you?" Kageyama had never seen Hinata like this, his voice was cold and uncaring.

Yuichiro smirked at Kageyama and grabbed Hinata's hand, "come on Shoyo, let's get out of here". "Bye, Kageyama" the small boy whispered whilst walking off into the distance.

"You fucking stupid idiot. It's your own fault that he's gone. You waited too long" he thought whilst turning in the direction of the sleeping quarters. He'd had enough for today, he just needed to sleep.

"Are you sure that we did the right thing" Hinata questioned. "Definitely" the dark haired boy replied.

Kageyama eventually made it back to the sleeping quarters, he was so angry but it was all his own fault. "You okay dude?" Osamu asked as the boy walked towards his futon whilst mumbling obscenities under his breath. " Oi Kageyama, what's wrong?" Iwaizumi asked finally getting the boys attention.

"Hinata is hanging out with that Yuichiro dude and I can't get him to even have a conversation with me. Have you seen the dude too, he's gorgeous?" Kageyama wailed. "I must agree, his eyes are the most gorgeous shade of green I've ever seen" Matsun interjected. "Not helping bro" Iwa said rolling his eyes.

"You do know that there's one important thing that you can do that Yuichiro can't, don't you? It also happens to be tangerine boys favourite thing to do" Tsuki pointed out.

"What?" Kageyama asked looking confused. "God, your so dense" Sakusa smirked. "Set for him and I guarantee that you won't lose to Yuichiro". Realisation slowly dawned on Kageyama as he ran back towards the place that he had just come from.

He eventually found them, Hinata was bouncing the ball up and down on his forearms whilst Yuichiro was busy looking at the screen of his cell phone and smiling. The message read, " he's on his way, make it look good and you'll be back with your boyfriend tonight. Kiyoko x"

"Hinata" Kageyama shouted, "do you wanna practice our special serve?" The orange haired boy was excited but didn't want to make it too obvious. "I can't sorry, I promised Yuichiro that we'd hang out". Both boys looked disappointed until Yuu spoke, "I'd love to see it. I believe that it's breathtaking to see". "Are you sure you don't mind?" Hinata smiled brightly. "No, go for it" he answered.

You could see that the two boys had a special bond, it was literally breathtaking watching them play together, "wow, you're amazing" the boy whispered whilst watching their interaction.

Kageyama and Hinata were wrapped up in each other, the excitement was palpable. Yuu thought that it looked effortless between them and it felt wrong watching such a personal connection. His phone pinged, "Have you done yet babe, I miss you". He replied smiling, "Yes baby, I'll meet you in the usual place." He got up and walked away without making a sound.

The two boys were laughing together and Hinata turned around to talk to Yuichiro but realised that the boy had left without saying anything. "Where did Y...." Hinata felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and lips softly meeting his. Was he dreaming?

"Kageyama, I don't understand" the small boy gasped. "I like you, alot Shoyo. Will you give us a try" the dark haired boy asked hopefully. "Yes" he replied, pulling Kageyama closer, their lips meeting for a second time.

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now