Chapter 29

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Kenma and Yamaguchi sat quietly together watching the world go by. "Can you believe that we're the only ones who aren't dating" Kenma asked. "Maybe we should date each other" Yamaguchi replied. They both looked at each other and started laughing.

The boys hadn't realised that they were being watched intently from a distance. "Can you believe how stupid you would need to be to like those two and not confess?" "I know, they're fucking idiots and if I weren't already dating someone I would definitely go for someone like Kenma. He's cute and kinda cool but not in an obvious way". "I know what you mean" the other boy replied, "Yamaguchi is cute and such a sweet heart he deserves to be treated like the angel he is." "Are we gonna do this?" Hatsuharu asked. "Yeah let's go find the idiots and sort this mess out" Kou replied.

Kuroo and Tsuki had been staying away from each other throughout the week. The tall dark haired boy was too loud for the blonde and they had originally been forced together due to the actions of their oblivious friend Bokuto. However this had only ended up upsetting the people that they cared about most in the world.

Kuroo sat hunched against a tree at the far end of the resort, oblivious to everything around him, "you're so fucking stupid" he mumbled to himself. "Yes you are" a voice replied. The tall dark haired boy turned and his eyes met someone who he felt like punching.

"What do you want?" the Nekoma Captain growled. "I'm here to stop ypu making the worst mistake of your life" the other boy replied. "What the hell are you talking about?" Kuroo asked, glaring at Hatsuharu.

He could understand why Kenma would like the boy in front of him. He was extremely good looking and oozed confidence, he wasn't scared about speaking his mind either and then Kuroo realised, they were alike. Did this mean that there was hope for him?

"Are you seeing the tall blonde?" Hatsuharu asked. "It's none of your business" Kuroo shouted. Hatsuharu sighed, "look bro, I'm just trying to help." "Why? You don't even know me."

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for Kenma because he deserves to be happy" "You date him then" Kuroo spat back, " he obviously likes you." "God, you are so fucking clueless. It's you he wants, how can you not see it?" "What?" replied a shocked Kuroo. "He likes you, so do something about it before you lose him to someone else. Kenma won't be there forever. He already thinks that you're into blondie."

"I'm not though" Kuroo gasped, wide eyed. "Why don't you explain? I'm a good listener."

"Tsuki, Akaashi and I were hanging out at Bokuto's a few weeks ago and we'd all been drinking. Akaashi and Bokuto were their usual flirty selves so we decided to get away from them for a little while so went to the convenience store. When we got there we spied Kenma, Hinata, Yamaguchi and Yachi hanging out. They didn't see us" he stopped, looking a little uncomfortable sharing this with a stranger.

"Go on" Hatsuharu prompted. "Have you ever seen the way Kenma looks when Hinata is around?" "No" the boy replied. "Isn't he dating Kageyama though?"

"Just listen. He doesn't constantly stare at his game, he doesn't ignore him, like he does me and he looks alive. He's happy when he's with Hinata."

"You seriously need to talk to him" Hatsuharu replied. "Why?" Kuroo replied. "Because you'll lose him forever if you don't tell him how you feel. Now go, quickly."

The boy turned and ran as fast as he could.

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