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In the 'We ❤ volleyball group chat'

Kiyoko - Can everyone come online please, I need your help.

Everyone is online....

Tanaka - Yes my queen 👸

Kiyoko - My family have bought a large hot springs spa in the mountains and they've said that if I can get it ready in time for next months opening anyone who helps can stay for a week each year for free. Can anyone spare a week in summer break?

Suga - I can Kiyoko. It's not like I have anything planned. When do you need us?

Kiyoko - From Monday next week. I'll arrange for transport from Karasuno

Iwaizumi - I have plans with my bro's next week. Sorry

Kawa - Of course you have. I'll be there Kiyoko ❤

Iwaizumi - What's wrong with you Shittykawa?

Kawa - Did someone just speak?

Kiyoko - That's fine Iwaizumi. I have other friends also staying to help me and they're all extremely HOT guys.

Atsumu - I'm there 🏃‍♂️

Kiyoko - Could you stay online Kawa, one of my friends has seen your pic and would love to meet you personally.

Kawa - Okay 😳

Iwaizumi - We can make it Kiyoko, can't we guys?

Sakusa - Yep

Osamu - Definitely

Kageyama - Count me in.

Kiyoko - Okay people, leave you're name if you can attend and be outside of Karasuno at 8am on Monday

Everyone is offline

In the 'Operation go get your manz groupchat'

Kiyoko added Suga, Kawa, Akaashi, Kenma, Atsumu, Suna, Makki, Yaku, Noya, Hinata, Yams, Tendou, Shirabu and Yachi

Kiyoko - Okay everyone listen. I am going to match you up with another of my guy friends, who also happen to like guys, and you're gonna flirt to the max in front of the objects of your affections. The guys have already been made aware so they WILL come onto you, just make sure to play along. Yachi is my little helper.

Kawa - Iwa chan won't care, I don't think that he even thinks of me as a friend anymore. It's just so hard loving someone and them not even liking you as a person.

Suga - Kawa did you not notice that he wasn't going to come until Kiyoko said that someone was interested in meeting you?

Kawa - I want to believe it 😢😢😢

Yachi - would any of you guys like a desription of your guys, no photos yet.

Akaashi - Yes please...

Yachi - Ok listen up. This is a brief description of each guy.

KAWA - 189 cm Blonde hair, golden eyes. Earring.

SUGA - 178 cm Black hair and grey eyes

AKAASHI - 184cm Olive green hair and green eyes

KENMA - 170.2 cm Snowy white hair with blackroots, brown eyes. Earrings

ATSUMU - 181cm Silver hair, green eyes and earrings

SUNA - 192cm Blonde hair, dark eyes and tattoos and earrings

NOYA - 162cm Blonde hair and dark eyes

HINATA - 170cm Black hair and green eyes

YAMS - 176cm Black hair and brown eyes

MAKKI - 186cm Blonde hair and green eyes

YAKU - 170.5 cm Dark grey hair and grey eyes

TENDOU - 195cm Navy blue hair and dark blue eyes

SHIRABU - 172cm Brown hair and brown eyes

Kiyoko - Okay everyone it's time to sleep

Everyone is offline.

NOTE - All of the love interests for our Haikyuu boys are characters from other Animes - let's see if you can guess who they are.

Some characters are from other AU's so for the purpose of this story they are all normal high school students between the ages of 16 - 19. Have fun guessing.

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now