Chapter 22

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Daichi, is it true?" Suga asked. "Is it true what she said about you being in love with me?"

"Yes Suga, it is. The only reason that I've been hanging out with her so much is because it was hurting so much being around you knowing that you'd never be mine".

Suga looked at the boy, he'd always thought that he was the strongest person he knew but at the moment he seemed so fragile. His heart ached for him so he walked over to him, talking large strides and when he reached the boy he gently put his arms around his neck and pulled him closer until their lips met.

Daichi seemed shocked but eventually put his arms around the boys waist and pulled him even closer. The kiss was amazing, they both felt it like electricity sparking through their veins, they didn't care that a group and gathered around them until they heard cheering. They both looked around blushing profusely and then they were startled by the flash of a camera, "YES, at last" Asahi shouted.

In the Kiyoko's boys group chat -

Asahi - Hey guys, look what just happened

Asahi - Hey guys, look what just happened

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Kiyoko - OMG, OMG, OMG Ma ship..💖💗💓

Noya - At fucking last. Took you long enough

Kawa - Omg Suga I'm soooo happy for you 😭😭😭😭

Hinata - Sugan san, Daichi san. I'm really happy that you finally got together

Yams - Aw me too 🤗

Suga and Daichi are online

Suga - Hey bitches, I've finally got my man 🥰🥰😍😍

Daichi - I'm so happy 😊

Tanaka - I thought you two would never get together. The sexual tension in the gymn was off the charts 📈

Suga - Well, prepare yourselves for it to get worse as I can't promise that I'll be able to keep my hands off this hottie 🥵

Daichi - 😳😳

Suga - We're leaving now, see you guys later

Everyone is offline

Later that evening in the 'Pretty setters groupchat' Minus Kageyama and Semi

Suga - Hey guys

Akaashi - How are things going with Daichi?

Suga - Amazing, I never thought that it would happen

Oikawa - Can you believe it, we both have boyfriends now.

Suga - Yay, it's unbelievable. I need to add a few people if that's okay?

Suga added Kiyoko

Suga added Yachi

Suga added Haru

Haru - Hey everyone

Akaashi - Hey Haru san

Suga - I just want to say thank you all for putting up with my simping especially Kawa, Kiyoko, Yachi and Haru

Haru - I't's my pleasure Suga. I just hope that you're both very happy together

Kawa - What about you Haru chan? Do you have someone?

Haru - Yes I do and he's actually here at the moment

Everyone - 😯😲😲

Kenma - Who is it?

Haru - Sorry but I can't tell you at the moment but I'll let you all know at the end of the week.

Kiyoko - Let's see if anyone can guess

Akaashi - I think it's Miyamura

Suga - No, it's Kise

Kawa - I think it's Kou

Kenma - No it's Sakuta

Shirabu - I think it's Taku

Yachi - I think it's Yuki

Kiyoko - Yachi, you couldn't be further from the truth

Yachi - I don't understand 🤔

Kiyoko - Let me just add someone the the group chat.

Kiyoko added Yuki

Yuki - Hi everyone

Everyone - Hi Yuki

Kiyoko - Yuki, it's time .

Yuki - Yachi, I really like you. Would you consider going out on a date with me 🥺

Yachi - I'm sorry I thought that you liked guys 👉👈

Yuki - No, I was just helping the guys out. It's you I like

Kawa - OMG this is so frickin cute

Suga - Yeah, give him a shot Yachi, he's a really nice guy

Yachi - I would love to go out with you 🥺

Akaashi - OMG I could cry, it's just so cute.

Kiyoko - Ok everyone lets sign off and enjoy our evening. Night everyone

Everyone - Good night Boss Bitch Kiyoko

Everyone is offline

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