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Yamaguchi was awake at 5am, well to be honest he hadn't slept after the news broke about Kuroo and Tsuki, he knew deep down that his friend would never think of him romantically. Kuroo was the exact opposite of Yamaguchi, the Captain was confident, outgoing, hot and he was, not.

"You okay". He jumped a little as he wasn't aware that anyone else was awake at that time in the morning. The boy in front of him had black hair and brown eyes, he looked around the same age and came across as being friendly but a little timid. In fact they were alot like each other.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked again. It was then that Yams had realised that he had been staring and the boy and hadn't answered his question. "I'm fine, thank you" the freckled boy replied with a dazzling smile. "I'm Yamaguchi Tadashi but eveyone calls me Yams, how about you?"

The boy smiled back at him and replied, "I'm Mabuchi Kou. Just call me Kou. I was just gonna have a walk around the area while it's quiet. Would you like to join me?" Yamaguchi realised he was blushing and usually he would decline an offer like this but because of what had transpired the day before he thought, what the hell. Just go for it. "I'd love to" Yamaguchi replied as they walked off.

Hinata woke up at 6am and realised that Yams wasn't asleep on the futon next to him were he had been the night before. He'd heard the boy crying softly during the night but he didn't know how to comfort him so he pretended to be asleep however now he was worried.

Suga was just coming out of the showers when the orange haired boy bumped into him. "Suga, I'm worried. I don't know where Yams is and he spent most of the night crying". The grey haired boy looked a little worried but decided to text someone out of each building to check if they knew where Yamaguchi was.

Message to Kiyoko, Tanaka, Haru and Oikawa -

SUGA - Have any of you seen Yams, no one knows where he is and he was very upset last night

HARU - Morning Suga, I haven't seen him but I'll get the boys together and we'll go and look for him ❤

SUGA - Thank you Haru 🥰

OIKAWA - I'll get everyone together and we'll go and look for him. Also Suga we need to have a little chat about the emojis used in the above messages, when we get back 😘

KIYOKO - 👀👀👀👀👀 Yachi and I will look too

TANAKA - Don't worry guys, I saw him this morning walking with one of you friends Kiyoko. I think his name is Kou

KIYOKO - He'll be fine if he's with Kou. Plus I heard a rumour saying that Kou has the beginnings of a little crush on our baby Yams 💞

SUGA - I knew it. He had his eye on Yams as soon as we got off the buses yesterday.

OIKAWA - Aw I'm soooo jealous. I wish someone had a crush on me 😭

HARU - I wouldn't worry about that Oikawa, I believe that you have at least 2 people vying for your attention.

OIKAWA - Two? Who? Spill the tea Haru chan...

HARU - Well I know for a fact that Kise is interested in you, but please don't tell him I said that and your vice captain looks like he wants to kill everytime anyone gets near you.

OIKAWA - Iwa chan hates me and he has a boyfriend already. 😭

HARU - Does that mean Kise has a chance?


SUGA - Hey guys, panic over. They're back. See you all at breakfast.

Everyone is offline.

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