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Everyone began to rise and get ready for the last full day at the spa. The morning was beautifully bright and warm and the chirping of small birds could be heard along with the chattering of teenagers who had made their way to the dining area

"Did you hear about Kuroo and Kenma?" Akaashi asked Suga. "Yeah, it took them long enough" the grey haired beauty replied with his signature beaming smile. "Did you hear about Yamaguchi and Tsukki?" "No, what happened" Akaashi replied looking a little worried. "They're together. That's all of us now. We all have boyfriends" Suga smiled happily. "Not all of us" Akaashi whispered pointing towards Kiyoko. "We'll sort that out before the end of the day. I think that we need the others for this" Akaashi nodded his head in response.

Suga and Akaashi went over their plan with the others. Daichi, Asahi, Noya, Iwa, Bokuto and Kuroo were going to focus their attention on one part of the plan and Suga, Akaashi, Oikawa, Kenma and Yachi were going to deal with Kiyoko.

"She doesn't like me like that" Tanaka wailed at the others. "She does, she's just shy about it" Daichi replied whilst trying to encourage his friend to confess. "She ignores me most of the time" he groaned. "No, you've helped her a lot over the last week and she appreciates that" Asahi interjected. "I've seen her looking at you, that must mean something" Bokuto smiled.

Tanaka was exasperated, he knew that his friends meant well but he knew that the girl of his dreams would never have those type of feelings towards him. "Look guys, I'm the only straight one here, sometimes I wish I wasn't but her looking at me is just a lack of choices for her. God I feel so single when I'm around you lot" he groaned.

"Don't lose hope bro" the small libero shouted whilst trying to jump on his friends shoulders. "I have a good feeling about you two, trust me and I won't be jealous as I have my beautiful Asahi". Everyone knew that the shy ace would be blushing profusely at being called 'someones' and he was.

With Kiyoko

The boys eventually found Kiyoko, she was in the kitchen getting everything ready for breakfast. She looked up from what she was doing when she heard the sound of foot steps. "Good morning, how are you all feeling on this beautiful morning" the dark haired girl said in a sing song voice.

"We're fine Kiyoko, how about you" Suga asked smiling brightly. All of the boys thought that Kiyoko was beautiful, I mean, Suga always said that if he was straight she would definitely be someone he would pursue. She was kind, caring, beautiful and really loved all of her friends who in turn loved her. God help any guy who ever upset her as they would gain the wrath of the volleyball community as well as the others who had gathered to help her that week. Everyone wanted to help her get the man of her dreams, someone to love, cherish and support her.

"Kiyoko, do you like anyone?" Kenma asked smiling at the girl sweetly. "Actually I didn't realise that I did until this week" she replied with a slight blush across her face. "Spill, Queen Kiyoko" Oikawa chuckled. "Ok" the girl replied, "I may have developed feelings for Tanaka, but it's scary. I've never really been interested in anyone like this before". "At least you know how he feels about you already" Akaashi pointed out. The girl nodded shyly and continued to prepare breakfast, she was interrupted by a ping on her cellphone. She picked it up and looked at the message, blushing bright red.

"What is it?" Suga asked, even though he knew exactly what the message said. "It's from Tanaka" the girl replied, "he wants me to go to the party with him tonight as his date." Oikawa and Suga squealed loudly, "well are you going to go with him?" the grey haired boy asked.

Kiyoko looked at the smiling boys seated around her and typed her answer into the phone.

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now