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Akaashi and Kenma found a small table right at the far end of the picnic area. They had decided that the couldn't keep going with the unrequitted crushes that they had on their Captains, it wasn't healthy and they did like spending time with each other.

They had met at a training camp when they were first years and they realised just how much they had in common. Both were in love with their Captains, they were both setters, they were both in a year below their crushes and they were both shy and introverted.

Kenma looked closely and the beautiful boy in front of him and asked, "Do you think that you'll ever tell Bokuto about your feelings?" Akaashi looked deep in thought but eventually responded with a whispered 'no'. Kenma knew that he would never tell Kuroo about his feelings but he knew he had to tell Akaashi about the gossip that Yaku had shared with him.

"Akaashi, I need to tell you something but it's gonna hurt". The dark haired boy looked a little shocked as he too needed to give Kenma some unpleaseant news. "Just tell me Kenma, it's ok". The small blonde looked at the ground, "Yaku told me that Bokuto has spending alot of time alone with Alisa, Lev's sister. I just thought that you should know."

Kenma saw pure pain flash across Akaashi's face and it looked like he was crying. "I'm so sorry Akaashi" Kenma whispered. Akaashi got up and gave a sad smile to the boy, "It's okay I just need a little time alone" and with that he got up and dashed off towards the sleeping area.

"You've told him then" a voice said behind Kenma. He turned and saw Yaku standing there with his arms outstretched as Kenma flew into them sobbing loudly.

Akaashi wasn't looking at where he was walking and he slipped towards the edge of the mountain. He saw his life flash before his eyes until he felt an hand grab his wrist and pull him into their chest. He was gasping, scared but when he looked up he saw the most beautiful kind, sparkling green eyes that he had ever seen. He felt safe.

"Are you ok?" the boy asked. Akaashi looked at him and noticed that he looked like he genuinely cared, the compassion in his face was evident. "I'm ok, thanks to you" Akaashi replied, gently pushing himself out of the boys arms. "Would you like to sit for a while, so that you can calm down? Here I have water" he smiled passing the bottle to Akaashi.

The boys sat on a wooden bench, no conversation passing their lips until the green eyed boy asked, " I know that you're name is Akaashi but can you tell me anything else about you?" Akaashi felt at ease with the boy so answered, "I'm Akaashi Keiji, I'm 17. I go to Fukurodani Academy and I play volleyball". "What position" the boy asked. "I'm the vice captain and setter" he responded smiling.

"You must be really good Akaashi?" "I'm ok, what about you?" The boy looked at him, "I'm Tachibana Makoto, I'm 18 and a swimmer and I go to Iwatobi High school. It's nice to meet you Akaashi Keiji". "It's nice to meet you too Makoto san". "Would you like me to walk you to your sleeping quarters" the boy asked as Akaashi noticed a slight blush spreading across his cheeks. "That would be nice, thank you" Akaashi replied also feeling the heat on his face. The two walked off talking like old friends.

"What the FUCK was that?" Bokuto asked Kuroo. "Not a clue, man but we definitely need to check it out"....

KIYOKO THE MATCHMAKER - Stiring the green eyed monsterWhere stories live. Discover now